News - The New Warzone 2 Season 6 Reloaded Updates, Weapons & Final Content Packs

May in fact be saved for maybe season 1 or beyond for mod Warfare 3's life cycle, or could just be exclusive to Warfare Mobile for whatever reason, and we won't see these in the main Call of Duty series anytime soon. That's all speculation. But that's as of right now the only pieces of content that have not been released for Modern Warfare 2 when we thought that they were going to nothing else is leaked that could warrant a midseason 6 update, even though the haunted already was the midseason 6 update.

All mw2 oni bundles available on xbox & pc

All mw2 oni bundles available on xbox & pc

As of right now, all Oni operator packs are available for Xbox and PC.

I believe the launch-only content featuring an operator skin, the blueprint, is being released as an 1100 Cod Point bundle on Xbox and PC since that was, of course, a PlayStation pre-order bonus last year for MW2. But all the combat packs they released over the course of six seasons were just put out for free for Xbox MBC, which is cool again.

The Lockwood operator pack, or, excuse me, the lockpick operator pack. I keep calling them Lockwood; it's not Lockwood with its lockpick. I don't know why I keep mixing that up. The lockpick operator pack will also be placed as an exclusive during the launch window of Modern Warfare 3, and they will likely be combat packs for lockpick over the course of six seasons, but this will mark the final Call of Duty that has PlayStation exclusivity, at least with Black Ops 2024.

modern warfare 2 season 6 reloaded

Or beyond, we may never see these offers ever again; we'll just have all the same content available at a single moment in time for every platform.

The final mw2 content packs revealed!

The last thing I want to end with is that, in regards to the final bits of content for Modern Warfare 2, the Inarius bundle did release a couple of days ago for fans out there of Diablo.

We'll be posting even more bundle reviews on detonated decom, and there's going to be bundles, especially Modern Warfare 3, that I don't have time to review or just choose not to, but you'll still end up seeing some coverage of that pack over on detonated Twitter or through an article. You'll even start seeing some more collaborations with other content creators that make amazing bundle reviews.

You'll start seeing those articles embedded in various articles, and then you'll see some of those creators refer to some of these articles in some of their community posts and some of their Twitters. Even their articles have some cool plans for you guys in regards to bundle coverage here on the channel and over on Detonated.

mw2 bruen lmg

And as of today, the Grim Tidings battle buddy pack did release for an expensive 2,800. Cod Point price now. The pack itself does come with a really cool-looking Ghost Skin featuring some other DMZ benefits. We have a battle rate of self-revive on the operator and an extra active duty slot. We have blueprints there with fast-insured weapon cooldowns and purple Soul Vapor tracers.

A bit of a mouthful there, and then you have the battle buddy. AKA The talking gun screen with 90 voice lines and a ton of other cosmetics there, as you can see, is what I want to call one of the last bundles of Modern Warfare 2—the last big one. At least I know we still haven't seen the release of the Dune Pack the Saradar bundle, and then there's also some other minor ones that don't have too much content, but that's really it in terms of cosmetics for Modern Warfare 2.

mw2 bruen mk2

All this, of course, carries forward into Modern Warfare 3, but I'm expecting Modern Warfare 3 season 1 to kick off some really cool bundles right off the rip. We don't have to wait a couple of seasons for some of those cooler cosmetics again, but that is about it.

Closing statements

Closing statements

This has been DK Dynamite. Leave our thoughts down. There isn't going to be another update apart from that. I'll reach out to Activision for a comment; they also confirm this. I really hope you've enjoyed it.


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