News - The Best Weapons To Use Dmz. Warzone 2 Dmz Guide

Only this thing has the most atrocious, ironic sight of all time; it's fiery, and surprisingly, a good damage range actually slaps. In this mode, the unfortunate part is that if you actually want to hit at least one of your shots, you're going to need an optic on top; it doesn't matter which one, although I prefer the Slime Line Pro.

It's literally just preference, and I feel like this is kind of a sleeper gun, and I don't see that many people using it, although I feel like it's definitely one of the best out there, even in PVP scenarios. The Recoil is super easy to control, and like I said, it has a decent damage range, so you can use it in somewhat long-range engagements.


This is probably my favorite gun when I'm taking out the Juggernaut for the weapons case because it just melts right through all of his armor, and on top of that, it holds 50 rounds by default, so how could you go wrong with that? The last gun here for Almazra is the SV-50. If I'm being honest, which of course I am, the entire SPAR weapon family is really good, and you can't go wrong with any of them.

The reason I chose this over the SP is because I find it to be more consistent with one shot, but don't quote me on that; it's just my experience. The other reason that marksman rifles, specifically this one, are so cool is that you can build them any way you want and they're still really good. I personally go for a longer-range sniper with mine, but you can remove the site and build it for quick scoping and using it indoors.

cod mw2

I'd expect a Nerf for the marksman rifles probably in season 2, but for right now, it's easily one of the best options out there. Okay, cool, we're done with al-Mazro's weapons. As I mentioned, there are two guns that I find to be the most useful in building 21. the first being the beloved chimera.

For our final weapon on the list, if you're surprised by this one, then you must be Mr. Fennek himself if you love to make people feel unbearable, then using this gun is exactly how you do it. Throw the biggest magazine on there, and you'll be raining bullets at such a fast rate of fire that people don't even have time to react to how this gun is even allowed in the game.

I have no idea, but, just like some of the others I mentioned, this is probably going to get nerfed into Oblivion, and this is a gun that I'm confident is broken in Warzone, by the way, so you could use it there as well, and that of course closes off the list. I know there wasn't that much crazy information here, but I wanted to take the time to show off my favorite weapons to use in the DMZ and maybe have you start using some of them as well.

Welcome back to another video! In today's DMZ guide, I showcased what I've found to be the BEST weapons to use in Modern Warfare 2's DMZ mode. This is of course my personal opinion, so you may disagree with some of the choices on this list. I tried to keep a pretty decent variety of weapons on this list and I made sure to include weapon builds along the way as well.
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