News - The Best Pro Warzone 2 Classes For Ranked Play (season 1 Reloaded)

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All right guys, with ranked play in Modern Warfare 3 finally arriving, we have put together the best pro-class setups for you guys to try out right now, the gentleman's agreement-approved versions, and some ideas we think can make them even better. The without a doubt, the best assault rifle in the game that the pros are using right now is the MCW.

Much like its 2009 MW2 counterpart, the ACR, this gun has been dominant among the professional player base, amassing over 2/3 of the total kills in the CDL. Along with its general five- to six-shot time to kill any single head shot mixed in with the body shots, it will decrease the time to kill to just 252.

Milliseconds requiring only four shots to kill every Pro Build of this weapon include the 16.5, the MCW Cyclone long barrel, and the RG Regal heavy stock. These two attachments are key to making the MCW an absolute laser of a weapon, not all that far away from the memory-able IR from Black Ops 4. The barrel significantly increases the effective damage range and bullet velocity, making the gun feel like a more traditional hit-scan weapon from back in the day, while the stock reduces The recoil and the next few attachments leave some room for experimentation.

cdl 2023

With most pros opting to run the L4R, flash hider, and some using the T51R. Abed brake for the muzzle With these two choices, you'll have to adjust your play style accordingly since the abil brake slightly hurts your damage range bullet velocity and horizontal recoil while significantly helping the vertical recoil control of the l4r.

The flash hider, on the other hand, helps your all-around recoil control at the cost of 20 milliseconds of ad speed. The former lends itself best to more aggressive AR players who are looking to get up close and personal and hit their enemies with the egochall. Hello boo compromise: the latter is more suited to players engaging in more ranged battles.

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There are also two different options for the stock. The DR6 hand stop helps with all-around handling speeds, while the X10 Phantom 5 hand stop helps a bit with general recoil control and still maintains some of the handling speed benefits. The pros have a gentleman's agreement to all use an optic of some sort, so while it's not technically mandatory, it certainly is the preferred approach.

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The general choice of optic for the pros has been the Slate reflector, although for those wanting to use a Black Ops 3 style ELO site, the MK3 reflector should get the job done. With all that being said, these are the two main classes that the professionals have been running: Class 1 has been used by Call of Duty Legend and three-time World Champion CLA, while Class 2 has been preferred by the 2023 CDL Rookie of the Year.

Mr Thomas Scrappy H. For the fast-paced, cracked-out players among you, the Rival 9 is the choice for you in close-range gunfights. It shreds through opponents in just five to six shots, and with the weapon being reminiscent of the Scorpion Evo from Black Ops 2, it's no wonder that it can even obliterate people at longer ranges.

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There's only one go2 bill that pretty much all of the pro players use, and it is as follows: The Rival C clear shot Barrel helped range and recoil stat to the cost of mobility and handling very slightly. This is followed by the DR6 hand stop for its mobility and handling prowess, and to cap it off, the purifier muzzle break, the Rival Vice assault grip, and the MTZ.

Marauder stock, all of which further reduce recoil to give the player some truly good. Aim, although some of the maps and their current hardpoint Hill rotations might not be the most SMG-favored right now with their long lines of sight and abundance of head glitches. I'm looking at you. There are rumors of some new competitively viable maps being added soon, and with certain Hill changes potentially being adjusted in future updates, the Rival could end up being the best gun in the game, with the knife being the gentleman's agreement done by the pros for being overpowered.

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Capabilities: The Retti pistol is the best sidearm in the game, and while it can't burst a full-health enemy in any situation, it still proves valuable as a last resort when running out of ammunition in your primary weapon. This build contains only three attachments, as follows: the exf eclipse or grip the MLX short competition.

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Barrel, both of which serve the purpose of stacking the weapon with as many mobility and handling improvements as possible, also let their users get to key positions before the enemy team due to the increased movement speed when running with the retti out. The final attachment here is the Slimline Pro optic.

The strength of the gun is capped, but due to the fire rate trigger being G, gentleman's agreement is by the professional players, but in ranked play these G often end up being thrown out of the window, so we can presume the Brewin Express fire rate trigger will be used by some, so you might want to think about it; it could end up being the standard in the mode.

cdl pros mw2

360 the pros have deemed snipers to be too overpowered to use in professional play this year due to the abundance of long sight lines that can easily be held by a single sniper, but as of now there are no restrictions placed on snipers in ranked so here we go few classes for you to try out with the cat AMR and the xrk stalker, the cat is better for damage the xrk, for the ads speed and fire rate class number one is from Atlanta phase's very own search and destroy coach Tupac's cap build goes as follows, with the barrel rear grip and stock all assisting with the ads and sint to fire speeds.

The ephemeral quick bolt should also be used for higher fire rates to get those follow-up shots off quicker. We also want to add the high-velocity ammo type to increase bullet velocity for the ranged Snipes in the XRK class are basically the same, with attachments chosen that prioritize, ads, sprint to fire speeds, fire rate, and of course bullet velocity.

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In classic CDL player fashion, many items have been agreed to not be used among the pro players. Mission failed, however, with these things not being officially banned in the rules as of now, there are a couple of items you might want to consider to get the upper hand in ranked for one: no ammunition types are allowed by the pros, including the high grain ammo type that significantly increases damage range and bullet velocity values.

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So it's worth to think about putting it on each weapon class by either swapping out an attachment of your choice in the case of the MCW and Rifal 9 as they have five attachments or just adding it to the retti as the fourth attachment. Another GA that we previously discussed is the knife, but with it technically being usable in the CDL rules, we would recommend it for break-offs in Search and Destroy so that one can get to advantageous positions as quickly as possible in the rounds.

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