News - The Activision Scam Continues With 3rd Person Warzone 2. Season 2 Warzone 2

I was like, "You know what?" "I'm actually going to wait to go to the store to buy the game." "Maybe I'll buy it later on, or maybe I'll just play Warzone." But they kind of got me with it. They were promoting something that was very interesting to me. I was like, "Third person, let me try this out." I had so much fun with it; I did my due diligence; I always checked to see if there was a limited-time playlist; and now that I've spent money on skins.

I honestly don't even want to get started. Will I play it probably because some of my friends are playing, but given what I actually paid for in multiplayer, I probably won't play again? Maybe I'll play some War Zone and just whatever else I have to play in first person because they always said it was going to be a rotating playlist, but the fact is, it's a CD.

dmz mode mw2

But the fact is that a third-person boss. Pit, was never promoted; as a limited-time game mode, not all the wording hinted at a dedicated playlist, and that's where you need to step up and either keep something in the game or keep at least one playlist, third person, and that's all I have to say. All right, guys, we'll wrap up the article here.

Hey, I appreciate the support and the love. Hopefully they can get this taken care of, because I honestly think it's not fair at all for anybody who enjoys third-person shooters. Until then, ain't nothing but skills out there.

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