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best guns for mw2 ranked play

The cast of 762 has been banned from Modern Warfare 2 ranked play, so most people will be heading back to their trusty attack 56, but I'm here today to show you guys another alternative that statistically beats out the TAC 56 in so many important categories, and it's none other than the cast of 762's younger brother, the cast of 545.

And whilst it doesn't hit as hard as the 762, it handles a ton better and also comes with a much higher fire rate. Once again, from a pro CDL perspective, the 545 is a G8, so you'll likely have some people complaining in your game, but until this gun's actually banned, in ranked play it's better than the attack 56, so I think you should be using it as usual.

We'll be using Sim GG for all of our weapon stats and to compare our 545 against a pretty standard Tac 56 ranked build that we've got here now. If you tried out the cast of 545 Backward when Modern Warfare 2 first came out, you probably found that you didn't really like it. It was a pretty bad gun, so why am I now recommending it as potentially either the best or an assault rifle for Modern Warfare 2 ranked play?

best kastov 545

It actually comes from some of the patches we've had for Modern Warfare 2. This is actually the first season's patch notes. The cast of 545 initially had a little bit of a buff to its ad speed, making it handle a little bit better, and it improved its Ironside ads and sight picture. If we fast-forward a bit in time to the season one reload, Patch, you can see we increased muzzle velocity.

I'll show you this in Sim GG in just a minute. This is a massive change that drives how we build this gun. We've got a small decrease to the hip spread and then an increase to close damage and an increase to the chest damage multiplier, which is what allows this to now compete with and even beat the TAC 56 in terms of damage.

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The buffs from the patch notes become really apparent when we start looking at the TTK graph comparing the tap 56 and the cast of 545 inside of Sim GG. We're looking at chess shots, and the 545 kills are quicker than that full-build Tac 56 all the way out to 24 meters. That's a very sizable range.

best kastov 545 class

A lot of the fights you're taking in this game are solved. 25 meters or below, unless you're on those really long sight lines when you do start getting out to those longer ones. Yes, between 25 and 34 meters, 56 kills quicker than the 545, but then it switches back the other way, and the cast of five for five starts killing quicker again out to 40 meters.

Now these are just chest shots. You're going to be shooting arms a lot when people are running sideways to you, and you're not able to get that clean lower chest once again. The 545 beats out the attack 56 at pretty much every single range, i.e., up to 40 meters, and if we move over to headshots, well, the graph speaks for itself.

The 545 beats the attack 56 once again out of that 24-meter range and then in the 25- to 34-meter range technically. The attack 56 beats you, but by five milliseconds; that's pretty much the same time to kill, and then once again out to the 40 meters, the 545 beats it again. So damage-wise, this gun is looking very good.

best kastov 545 class mw2

It only takes a couple of seconds, so go down and click that button. I also mentioned that the bump in muzzle velocity that we got was really important for the cast of 545, as you can see here. For comparison, the 545 has a muzzle velocity of 640 milliseconds at its base, while the TAC 56 and most other ARS in the game only have a 590 meters per second muzzle velocity.

If we want to get an idea of what muzzle velocity or bullet velocity we actually need on our guns for ranked play, we can use this table that was put together by Exclusive A. This color-coded table, where on the left we've got the actual bullet velocity of our gun and on the top we've got how far away is your target, and then essentially anything in green is going to be a situation where, when you shoot your bullet, it feels like there's no travel time and you get really, really snappy shots.

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We can see here that if we're able to hit around 700 meters per second, then a target that's 50 meters away is pretty much as far as you're going to get on a ranked play map in Modern Warfare 2. We are getting that hit-scan effect, so the cast of the 545's 640 muzzle velocity is really helpful because we probably don't need to use the high-velocity ammo.

best kastov 545 class mw2 ranked

We can get enough muzzle velocity to reach around that 700 mark just from using the barrel, which opens up another potentially really useful attachment down the line. So the stats we're looking for from our barrel of choice number one are first the muzzle velocity; we're trying to hit around the 700 mark, so we're getting really snappy shots out to 50 meters, and then second, we're looking for recall control because yes, the 545 has less recall than the 762, but it definitely has more recoil than the TAC 56 out of the box.

There are actually two barrels here that give us both the benefits we need. You've got the Cast 7 and the IgK30. The igk30 does give the better of the two in terms of muzzle velocity and recoil control, but it really nerfs our ad time and our overall handling and mobility using the gun, which I think makes it a bit too unviable and a bit too heavy for ranked play.

best kastov 762 build

Therefore, I've chosen the Cass Seven as my recommended option. If you put that on, it gives us a 694 muzzle velocity, so we're pretty much on the mark of under 700 that we wanted, yeah. I think it's a no-brainer now that rank play can make even the calmest players rage, and sometimes you do need to take a break, so when you do, why not check out today's article sponsor, War Thunder?

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