News - This Kastov 545 Class Setup Is Taking Over Warzone 2 Ranked Play. New Ar Meta

best kastov 545 class

He was dead. This is the cast of 545; we've talked about it on the channel before with a few class setups. I'll show you the class again in this article. It has very similar damage statistics to the Attack 56 at close to medium ranges, but you can build it better for mobility and handling with its attachments, especially for aggressive players like myself that like to push up and get into the action.

It gives a little bit of a middle ground between the Basnev and the SMG categories and the standard AR style of play with the TAC 56. It's definitely worth trying if you haven't already. Like I said, I'll show you guys the class in a second before we do that. Boys and girls, let's look at the 545.

Really, quick, let's speed run the rest of the class. This is my fast AR class, so I have on a combat knife, we have a stun Grenada semtex ranked, one is double time bomb squad fast hands, and then we have a trophy system on. Always have a trophy in your AR class. Please, for the love of God and Respawn, have a trophy on it.

best kastov 545 class mw2

And then, continuing the speed run into the 545, we'll just talk about the attachments real quick. We have the Komodo's heavy muzzle. The Edge 47 grips under the barrel. Barrel the True Tech grip rear grip in the Pro Light TL3, stock As far as the fifth attachment goes. I don't think you need one, but if you want to run one, there are optics available, or I would rather recommend the 545.

High Velocity, rounds again I don't think these are necessary, but if you want to run them, it won't hurt you very much. In case you're wondering what I'm using in the gameplay you are about to see, I am running just these four attachments. Enjoy the Breenburg hotel hardpoint, Dog, and the week, Dead.

It's going to be wine. Brother, that's all you have to do. You win that. It's Gonna Be Spa, it's already one in, he's actually in their corner, add another one on laying down by their door like you don't have enough ammo to take this fight. The only thing left is that he's dead. I literally have no ammo.

I need whatever gun that guy had—just one there. I stunned them. It's done see me get my trade. Nevermind, hey brother. I didn't have a gun like what the f dog they're on point, and then coming from the bedroom, I think. I died when one second Jesus, Zeus, my man

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