News - New Warzone 2 Update 1. 43 Changes Everything Season 3 Reloaded. Weapon Buffs. Nerfs Warzone 2



The new Modern Warfare 3 season 3 Reloaded update just went live, and we're going to be going over all of the patch notes associated with the new 1.43 update. M central Time we're going to have access to all of the DLC weapons as well as the weapon balancing we have new maps. Grime and checkpoint: we have a new weapon, the battle 27, and we have a number of aftermarket cards coming to the game: the Jack Warden, which is pretty much going to be the Kimbo model 1887s; the Jack Patriot, which is going to be the full auto M16; as well as the Jack Atlas on the AR9, which is going to transform this into a five-round burst assault rifle, which is actually quite crazy.

New mw3 season 3 reloaded weapon balance

New mw3 season 3 reloaded weapon balance

Let's jump right over to the weapon balance because this is where things actually make sense. Let's be honest, guys, weapon balance is what's going to be making and breaking updates as far as these, you know, seasonal changes do go; obviously, de weapons are important as well, but hey, the meta is important; this is going to be pretty interesting here, the UI.

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This is something that I think a lot of people are going to skip over, but it does make building a class setup a lot easier. Increase the number of allowed favorite attachments from 10 to 30, so now you can kind of have 30 favorite attachments. What I mean by favorite attachments is, let's say you want to build a setup and there is a muzzle or an underbarrel that's kind of far, you know, locked away in the progression category.


You can now go ahead and favorite that so you don't have to waste like 5 minutes looking for it; it's just right there once you do favorite it the first time, which is a massive, massive W. This is how I'm able to kind of organize my setups a lot easier, so I'm glad they went ahead and literally tripled the number of favorite attachments you can have.

That is incredible. Let's go ahead and go over the weapon balance here, weapon, and attachments. The BP50 assault rifle increases hipfire spread minimum from 2.5 to three; they also increase hipfire spread maximum; and they also increase moving hipfire spread maximum as well as the BP50. I'm not even sure what this even is.

So I believe that's going to be a NERF that's going to be a less accurate hipfire with the BP50. So technically, Nerfed the BP50. If I'm reading this correctly, but at the same time, hip-firing assault rifles is something that I feel like not many of us were doing anyway. Maybe with some of the conversion kits that transform the ARs into submachine guns, but that's only on a handful of weapons.

1.43 patch notes

Now they went ahead and did the same thing with the SVA 545; they increased the hip-firing spread minimum, increased the hipfire spread maximum, and they also increased the moving hipfire spread on the SVA 545. These are some things we're never going to notice on both the BP50 and the SVA 545. So in my personal opinion, these weapons didn't get touched.

We're good to go because these are actually some solid choices to use here in multiplayer. Now the Ram Seven increased hip fire spread minimum from 2 to 3, not a big deal again, something that we're never going to notice on the assault rifles cuz most of these and 99% of these are good if you aim down sight obviously it's an assault rifle, now the MTZ 556.

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Increase hip fire spread minimum, increase hip fire spread maximum, and also increase moving spread, so again, some changes that realistically are not going to matter on the TZ 556 And they followed suit on the hoger 556 as well, so the bp50, the SVA 545, the ram 7, the MTZ 556 version, and the hoger 556.

1.43 update

Received nerfs that in all reality don't matter the same are going to be following suit for the MCW as well as some changes on the dg58, but they did add minimum damage range, and it's going to be 29 increased to 38.1. And they also decreased the minimum damage from 29 to 25, so the d56 received a Nerf and a buff.

Honestly, I've not used or been killed by a burst weapon in a very, very long time. That's going to be a nice buff, They increased aim-down sight movement speed from 2.7 to 2.9 and bull velocity from 680 to 720, so it might actually be worth going ahead and using it again. This weapon received a massive, and I mean a massive, Nerf when the game first came out.

It was a top weapon, then they went ahead and completely killed it. Let's go ahead and see if this is actually going to be viable here in Modern Warfare 3 season 3. Reloaded, they also made a bunch of changes to specific attachments on this weapon as well as for the FR long board, the FR 435. Barrel, they also adjust the mini Mo Barrel, the Sprinter stock, and the Recon stock pad.

1.43 update mw3

the F anchor comb, they went ahead and adjusted the FR ton, 618. Comb the gigaom with the rear grip. They buffed the 45-round magaz on here, allowing us to have more movement speed, aim-down side speed, and the 60-round mag as well, so the FR-556 actually might be valid because they went ahead and sped up a lot of the actions you can do with this weapon, as well as increasing the aim-down sight speed as well.

I should say minimum damage range. This actually might be valid to go ahead and use. So many F556 attachments have been reworked to increase their appeal; they're appreciating their appeal early in the morning, and the overall viability of the weapon is going to be massive. Now we have a Modern Warfare 2 weapon, actually a couple modare 2 weapons here, the Lockman 762.

cod 1.43 update

They increase the maximum damage range from 19.3 to 30.5; that's a massive buff; they increase the near medium damage range from 37.1 to 43.2; and they also increase the medium damage range from 48 to 55; that's a huge buff for this weapon in the M113. C, increase the maximum damage range from 17.8 to 25.4, four increase near medium damage from 27 to 28, increase the near medium damage range from 33.5 to 39.4, and they also adjusted the increased leg and foot damage multiplier from 88x to 1x, so another buff for the M13 C.

This is actually quite nice. Now we're going to talk about some of the battle rifles here. In the SSOA subter, they added a near-medium damage range of 33 to 38. This is going to be a huge addition, and they decrease the minimum damage from 33 to 26. Probably, God The SOA subverter is now a 6-shot kill within the minimum damage range.

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That's right, the MTT 762 decreased aim-down sight time from 280 to 260, and for the Jack Thunder lmg kit, decreased aim-down sight time benefit by 20 milliseconds. Of the ftac recon, the mon for two weapons increased the minimum damage from 45 to 50 within its maximum damage range. The FTP Recon is now a guaranteed three-shot kill or two-shot kill to the head.

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