News - New" Top 5 Loadouts Right Now Warzone 3. Best Warzone Class Setups - Warzone 2

Pad it's just going to increase that gun kick control recoil control definitely the best stock if you want that recoil control, another very good one's going to be the Hunker if we look at the detailed stats you guys can see it looks a little bit worse but it's actually, in a way, could be better because you're not losing any sprint speed or tactical sprint speed most of us are tack sprinting around the map so you actually can get around the map a little bit quicker with the Hunker 5 and there's basically the same amount of recoil control but this one's a little bit easier to use just a tad easier.

It doesn't really matter though, and that's going to wrap it up for the RAM 7, so if you guys want a screenshot, there you go, and is that going to wrap it up for the entire article? Here's the last one; this is going to be ram 9. I was going to include this but this is the top five best setup so I know a lot of if you guys want the best stuff Ram 9 just got nerfed now it's like the second best SMG next to the HR M9 HR M9 is better and then Ram is next up and then after that I believe it goes like AMR 9 and Striker, 9 it kind of doesn't really matter from there if you want a good Striker class I would definitely look on the channel I probably already have one of those up, and then look at the recoil control and here we get a lot of horizontal we all know the Rams have a lot of side to side bounce this going to eliminate that side to side bounce yes we are losing damage range this thing just got a damage range Nerf so if that is really annoying add the exempt compensate of flash hider the spe fire suppressor.

I mean the shadow strike suppressor. Jack BFB, or the Compite flash hider. I'll probably start running this one a lot, but the purifier is so satisfying, since it really makes the gun easy to use, just like with the Dr6 and stopping it just makes the gun super clean, super easy to get around the map, and just pull up your gun a lot faster than the enemies, and we got the High Ground rounds to increase that damage range that we are losing in that recent Nerf, yes, adding a lot of we're losing a lot of recoil control, which is another reason why I got this muzzle but could have the compite flash hider and that it still will be pretty good then we got the 50-round magazine.

This one's a little bit weird so multier I really like the 40 because I don't really want to lose that many cons and like the 10 round isn't that bad but in war zone you kind of notice the difference so, try them both out and use the one that you like most it really depends on your play style if you're bad at the game and you miss a lot of shots you kind of need the 50 but if you're the best and you never miss and you always get the timings right on your reload, probably could do better with the 40 round mag and then for the com we got the Recon comb just increase the mobility and that Sprint of fire speed Sprint of fire speed on this gun is horrible so this is just going to make it a lot better this is kind of like a must on every Ram build is to have that Recon comb and so overall you guys should be able to pop off with that build.

And I would add more guns and things to this, but it's the top five for a reason. I got to give you guys a reason to watch the next top five, but with all that said, you guys all have a good

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