News - New" Mx9 Class Is Godly Warzone 2 Season 5. Best Mx9 Class Setup - Warzone 2

I don't know. This might just be a high-kill game. We're going to throw that Nate over; the car blew up all right. This is going to be the spawn here. Watch this is going to be the place where I get all my streaks, and we're going to start playing for another nuke. Should this be a triple nuke that we should have gotten or worked on already?

modern warfare 2 mx9

Yes, this should be a triple nuclear but this should be a triple nuke but sometimes you just have to deal with what you've got. We got another sentry gun. All right, we've got another veto as well. Let's go ahead and pump that up. I do hope that, as you know, people are saying that this next Call of Duty is basically like a DLC in a way that's the next level of camping.

That's crazy, but I really hope that they actually just, I hope they just put these streaks in the next COD. Honestly, just give this like an insane amount of streaks if you're bringing over the weapons, and some maps just bring over the streaks as well. I feel like I feel like that's what it would be because.

I mean, if you just can't share, like, you can't use a Modern Warfare 2 UAV and a Modern Warfare 3 UAV, but that's insane, but all right now we're gonna This guy didn't even show up on my advance, which was kind of scary. All right, we're chilling still. I don't know what Bro's doing, but we're chilling.


All right, we're like one more kill away from okay. We did get 100, so that's good. That's good now we just need to get one of our nukes, and these guys are going to keep taking my kills. There we go. Nope, we didn't get that hunt; we didn't get to nuke yet. Hold on; this is the guy for a nuke.

There it is. There goes the nuke. I was about to say, Where is my nuke? The MX-9 is so good, though I would put it in the top three SMGs. Honestly, people might be saying me, but I don't think he's right here. Hold on i'm not even worried about that. I'll let I'll just let him kind of just keep the hard point a little bit and try to get a little bit more kills in because he can do it.

mw2 best mx9 class

I know he can. There we go, all right, 2 30 I've just got to be a little bit careful. Let me just get out of here. I'm going to have to call this new kid. I'm sure it's all right. The flow on this is really good, but hey. I mean, a hundred and 18 kills I sure will take, and if we had a veto. I'm sure we'd get over 120, but hey, 118 kills This should have been triple nuke gameplay, but we doubted a few times that it was all right, but this is still great gameplay with the MX9.

Let's go.

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