News - New" Mx9 Class Is Godly Warzone 2 Season 5. Best Mx9 Class Setup - Warzone 2

best mw2 mx9 class

Now, honestly, I'm going to have to give the mx9 an easy top three SMG here in Modern Warfare 2. Now, this weapon's features are going to help with muzzle flash concealment and recoil steadiness. Now, I will say that with the MX9, the only problem I feel like this weapon has is weapon steadiness; it's not the best.

It's not the worst, but it's not the best, and this attachment here is going to make this weapon so much better. The weapon is more steady now, and you're going to be more accurate at those ranges. Basically, in any gun fight, the weapon is just so much better to use, and this is why I'm going to be adding it on for our first attachment here.

Now we're going to the magazine for our next attachment. We're going to be adding the 32-round mag. Now I will say this here when going into Modern Warfare 3 or maybe in the next few updates. I really hope they add a larger magazine to this weapon. Nothing too crazy; maybe a 42-round mag would be perfect.

I think that would be nice, but we're going to grab the 32-round mag just for a larger magazine size. It's not taking as much of a hit on mobility and handling, which is okay, but this weapon 100 needs a larger magazine, so let me add this on for test number two. Now for the rear grip, I decided to go with the Step 40 grip with recoil control.

best mx9 class

I know I said this weapon has some good recoil control, but we need better control of this weapon at those longer ranges. This attachment here is just going to make the weapon really calm and smooth to use at those longer ranges at any range, and it's going to make it easier on us since we are using the iron sights for this build, so make sure to have this attachment on now.

For the comb, we're going to be adding on the FTEC, C11 Riser, now this can help with aim down size speed and sprint the fire speed now with this build for these next few attachments. I'm just going to make us as aggressive as possible. This attachment here is just going to make us have a lightning quick aimed on size speed and sprint the fire speed being, more aggressive aim down sights really quick, which is always good in any gun fight and can help us win them, and then for our final attachment before we get into our tunes, we are going to the laser and we're going to be adding on the VOK7W.

best mx9 class mw2

Laser, for a ton of aim down sight and sprint to fire speed, and again, since we are running the iron sights, we have aiming stability, which can come in clutch. Now, in the tunes I'll be running for this build, we're going to start with the muzzle in here. Now that I have my gun kit control at Point 31, with an aim down size speed of 0.39, we're having a faster aim down side speed, which is always good.

We have better gun kit control on this weapon, so since this weapon does have a pretty decent fire rate, if the weapon's not going to kick up as much anymore, it's way more calm and easier to control, and always remember, with the muzzles, never tune for recluse smoothness because it does nothing; it's just a waste of a waste of a thing here in Modern Warfare 2 DMZ and Warzone 2, so always never tune or add attachments on it; it helps with that, but for the laser, we have our aim down side speed at 20 9.61.

best mx9 class setup

In our sprint, the fire speed was 0.21. We're still working on that. With this build, we have better control of the weapon but also better accuracy and handling, which is good. With the MX9, it has good mobility anyway, so even if you add some of the slowest attachments to this weapon, it's still going to move pretty quickly, so always remember that.

best mx9 class setup mw2

But we have really good handling here, as you guys see here on the graph in the middle. Now for the comb, we have our aimed on size speed at 0.08; you really don't need to go much on there to get that two-tick handling, and we also have our aimed blocking speed at 0.27; we're working on that. Mobility, which is good, but if you feel like you have troubles with the aim down size speed or anything like that, and if you feel like you can't hit your shots, just tune for recall stabilization; it won't make the weapon any slow or anything; it's just going to make the weapon a little bit easier to control and a little bit smoother, but I don't need that, and then getting it to our final attachment for the step 40 grip, we're going to put our Sprint to fire speed up 0.32 in our recoil status.

03: The weapon's not going to move at all, and you're going to be a little bit more aggressive with this build, but give this build a try. Give this rating a one, with one being the worst and 10 being the best. How do you rank the MX9? But the gameplay we got today was insane, as usual. Hit that bell.

All right, here we go. This is the game I'm telling you all about. I feel like this weapon deserves to have a larger magazine size, and with going into the next Call of Duty, you know we do get the Modern Warfare 2 weapons, so wonder if Call of Duty. Sledgehammer, or Infinity Ward I guess I don't know, but my God, that guy needs some control freaks.

I wonder if they're actually going to make it where they add different attachments to the weapons. I wonder if that will ever happen. I doubt it, but stab again got a veto. There we go. Right now, they're actually at a hard point. I guess he's not. This is not it right now. All right, he's in the cafe, I think.

best mx9 mw2

There we go. All right, now they're getting to the hard part. That's what I do when I play hardpoint. I can't believe I just died there, but honestly, I would give this weapon to anyone. I'm going to be nice, but I can't be nice. This weapon is actually pretty good. I would give it a high B tier; I would probably put it on top of B.

Maybe not; I don't know, and I don't even know where these guys are spawning. I found them; never mind. All right, well, the game's only at a 40-point difference, so that's not too bad. Just gift me with a great game because we need it. We need a good game here since your guns should do well, but I will say as well that this weapon is really good at range, and I do hope it's in the near future if it's in season six.

cod mw2

I know you know that, surprisingly, we're almost on one of our last seasons of Call of Duty for this game because time is flying by pretty quick. Let's go ahead and look at that boom. The game's back in a fair state, the game's going to last a little bit longer, and we're just going to hope that we can get a nuke here, all right back on a ruthless Go ahead and say that I don't know what you're doing, but whatever you're doing, your play style is not it that some one reason I don't like this map.

It's an okay map, but I don't like it too much because of how people can play it. All right, these guys are just feeding me right now. This is nuts—60 kills as well. I mean, given the time that we have, we should get 40 kills. There we go. And of course, chicken is just premium. We love that we get stabbed.

Best MX9 Class Setup Modern Warfare 2 Best MX9 Class Modern Warfare 2 Best MX9 Tunes Modern Warfare 2. Stay Connected.
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