News - New Hrm-9 Is "meta" Warzone 3. Best Hrm-9 Class Setup - Warzone 2

best hrm-9 build

Which is one of my personal favorites to rock on SMG builds because it does give us zero added visual recoil, and on top of that, it is super clean and very easy to use. Now for the third attachment, we do want something to up that mobility and handling, so with that being said, we want to throw on the no stock attachment, which is going to do exactly that, giving us a 7% increase in our movement speed along with a 16.2% increase.

Buff to our down sight speed and a 14.3%. Buff to our sprint to fire time, and even though we do receive a 40% increase to every recoil control stat since we have that super broken recoil control muzzle on this thing, it is still going to be super easy to use before I finish off the rest of the build.

We post the best war zone 3 loadouts every single day, and right now we have over 96%. The decrease in vertical recoil makes this build a lot quicker to make some super nice movement plays and makes it a lot easier to use. Here's the full meta H Arm 9 class set up for War Zone 3 season 1 reloaded.

It's definitely a contender for one of the best SMGs in the game now, and with this build, I dropped a crazy 40+ kill game on Von Del Park, so with that being said, let's get into.

BROKEN HRM-9 Loadout in MODERN WARFARE 3 new HRM-9 Class Setup in MW3.
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