News - New" Better Unlimited Rare Items Duplication Glitch Warzone 2 Zombies Keep Tombstone "solo


Brand new item duplication glitch, let me show you how to keep every item and keep your tombstone forever. Never lose the tombstone. You have to make sure you pay attention; this is how to never ever lose the tombstone. How to duplicate rare items like the schematics and still keep that xville with the schematics and still have it in your tombstone and pass it out to the whole community is simple and very easy.

I'm your boy; no lame; let's get right into it now. Max money, Make sure you have a large bag full of items that you want to duplicate. For me, I always use two large bags. I have a large bag equipped with it, and I make sure I have all the items I want to duplicate with a large bag in the slot, so when I dup duplicate and spawn down solo by myself.

I can just equip the bag instead of going to Tier 3 and getting smacked up once you have a full bag and the max Essence Point gets smacked up by the zombies at a good location where Xville is. Once you see Squad eliminated, you're going to just load back in regular, go to the regular screen, put on a decoy, and put on a bomb so you can protect yourself when you load down solo.


This is solo, but you can load in with your friends. It will be helpful now. Once you load in Solo, you will notice that when you load in your Tombstone, it is still there. If you don't have any items to start this glitch, your boy no lagone will help you start this glitch. All you have to do is drop a like on this article and a comment.

Simply put, my gamertag is C. Once you spawn, you're going to make sure you see the tombstone icon on the map. Once you see it, go to the tombstone; as you can see, everything is there, plus I duplicated a scorcher schematic. Your boy will go live and give it to you. It is simple and very easy.

All you have to do is tell me to go live under this article, and I'll go live for you, giving out the schematics and anything else that you need now. Once you take the schematics or everything that you duped, all the rare items with your money, at this moment you can give something to your friend or you can stack up Go to Xville.

The moment you call that Xville and you get on it, wait till you see a black screen, but you can also close the app early. It is very important to keep it forever. You will never lose your tombstone. I have had my Tombstone on other accounts for years since the glitch came out, and we've been closing the app early.

You can just get in the XV Chopper and don't even see the black screen way before the black screen. Close the app, and that will make it there every single time if you close the app on the black screen. Your tombstone is going to be 99%. If you close the app, just no black screen early, it's going to be 100%; you'll never lose it, 99%.

It will be there if you do what I just did: close up on a black screen now on some accounts. I closed the app early now, as you can see, with the schematic, so once I closed the app on the black screen, it gave me the schematics in my slot; the only schematics I didn't have were the scorcher. 9999999, which is a million.

Everything is there, so at this moment I'm going to go ahead and drop my friend more money so he can have 999, and I'm going to drop him the schematic. I gave him the schematic and everything he needed, and then I'm going to go ahead and go to Xville. Make sure you clear out that tombstone. The moment you go to an X-Mobile, you see that black screen, or you can close the app early.

This time, I closed the app early and showed you I went on the plane, and I just closed out no black screen, no nothing, just soon as I saw it going up before the black screen closed app. Once I came back in, as you can see, they only took two items from me, but the tombstone is still there, and the only item that they took from me was a plate and a key.

That's because my stash is full, so if you don't want to lose any items when you spawn back in. I have the majority of my items, but if you don't want to lose one item, make sure you clear out your stash. My stash only has about 13. Items in it: I never did the stash glitch; they allowed me to put 13 items in it.

I guess they patched the stash glitch now, so you can no longer. I guess they no longer allow you to put about 14 or 15 items in there; now they are allowing you to put 10, but you can still do the stash glitch that is still working, but as far as the game allowing you to put it in there. I think that's patched.

I'm your boy; no laaz on teaching you this glitch. Make sure you get on it; it's patched. A few people are saying that this is not working, but this is working right now as we speak. I just went live today for, like, an hour, just helping people. I helped a few of my subscribers with money if they needed it.

Scorch a schematic, or any schematic, or the max Essence points, or anything in this article. My memberships are to support me, and my Discord is to get help. Simple i will be online soon. I'm probably alive right now. This is your boy; no one is teaching you this glitch. Make sure you get on it.

I'm your boy, no laone, and I am. Come, let's.

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