News - My Honest Opinion Of Call Of Duty Warzone 2. 0 (review)

my honest opinion of warzone 2

I think for a game to do really well, it has to be playable solo. A lot of people play article games alone and not necessarily with friends, and that is very difficult to do in this game. I think the easiest way to make it a little bit better is to just increase that time to kill a little bit and give people a little bit more of a chance, but what I will say is that self-revives do help this out, and I have found a lot of them when playing solo.

Game crashes constantly

Game crashes constantly

My biggest complaint about war zone 2, right There now have to be crashes; the game crashes constantly.

Performs very poorly

Last night, I think I played about 10 games with friends, and, inside of that, I think five. For six of them, at least one person on our team crashed; it may have even been more than that, and that makes the game very unplayable and very frustrating, especially when they're focusing on playing with friends.

That has to be fixed, and that has to be at the top of their priority list. Now, loadouts are something that is not necessarily a bad or a good thing. The loaded system is completely different now. You can get loadouts by either buying a primary weapon at a buy station, or you can complete a stronghold and getting a loadout that way, or by waiting for the community one to drop in.

my honest opinion of warzone 2.0

One problem I have with the community one is that once one person grabs it, the loadout could be on your team or on a different team, and that little logo disappears. They are also very difficult to find if you don't mark them on your map, so I think that needs to be improved; maybe just make the logo last a little bit longer to make it so that they're easier to find, but they also come in very late into the game, and sometimes it takes a while to actually get your loadout in game.

Now, I'm not totally against that because this forces people to use ground loot a little bit more, and I do like that aspect of it, so I'm not totally against the new loadout system. Another thing that people have talked about with the loadout system is the perks. So you can't currently customize your perk package for Warzone.

If you want to use Overkill. I actually kind of enjoy the way that it is as of now; the next edition will be absolutely fantastic. God-awful is the 2 vs. 2 gulag now there are some fun moments with it when I die with a teammate and we go into the gulag together, where we can communicate and fight against two other players.

my honest opinion warzone 2

That is fun. The problem is when you get put in there with a completely random person, it just doesn't make any sense; either they're very, very bad or you're bringing back an enemy. I just don't see the reason for 2v2 Gulag unless you are doing it with teammates, so if you get in a gunfight and you're playing quads and you and your teammate go down and two enemies on the other team go down, they throw you all into the gulag and you fight 2v2.

I don't mind that it's when you're put in there at random, but I just don't really enjoy it whatsoever, and then finally we have the looting system, so the looting system in my opinion isn't the best. It takes too long to fill people's death bags, and you have to select individual things sometimes; you can't grab the right thing sometimes; you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't.

my honest opinion warzone 2.0

You can't, you can't, you can't. You definitely need to be improved, both for an overall improvement in quality of life and to speed up the game in general. Don't mind the backpack system, but it has to be way more fluid, and I really think that when people die, it should just drop all of their stuff on the ground.

It is way quicker to go through and pick up the things you want that way. So there's a ton of other little nitty-gritty things like no self-revive, no noise from chess, or anything like that; just strange things that were in war zone one or were fixed in war zone 1, but aren't quite there in war zone 2.

And I think the reason for that is because for most of War Zone 1, it was worked on by Raven, and then Infinity Ward took over this one, and they just kind of missed some of the things that Raven improved on, but here's what I will say, and here is my overall opinion on Warzone 2 or Warzone 2.0. I strongly believe that this has the ability to be a better game than the original War Zone.

new warzone review

Some of the biggest things they need to focus on right now are really fine-tuning that loadout system, stopping all of these crashes, fixing the Gulag, and I think they definitely need some sort of rebirth map implemented because that was such a big thing in War Zone 1. I don't think it necessarily has to be rebirth, but that kind of style of map is more what I'm talking about.

Those are my opinions as of right now. I am really enjoying it.

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