News - My Honest Opinion Of Call Of Duty Warzone 2. 0 (review)

cod warzone 2

Ladies and gentlemen Warzone 2 has been out for a little while now, and with it. I've been playing solo and with friends, and I've been doing so to kind of get an overall opinion on what I think of Warzone 2 and what my opinions are on the game thus far. I must say that there are both sides to it; there are parts that I really enjoy and parts that are really bad, and I think what it comes down to is that Warzone, the previous war zone, was out for three years, and with that, they got a lot of time to perfect a lot of things, and a lot of those things that they perfected are now gone in Warzone 2, so the game feels a little bit void of some of those things.

One thing to mention is sound. When someone self-revives, there is no sound to know whether or not that has happened, and of course that's a problem; it's a lack of information. Things like that missing from the game cause big problems, and when they add up there's definitely a void within Warzone too, so basically within this article I'm going to give you the good things I like about the game, the bad things, and specifically when we talk about those, how they can be improved, so essentially these are just my honest opinions on Warzone 2 or 2.0, but before we dive into that let's have a look at different shirt ink slashers for today's article sponsor.

cod warzone 2 review

A lot of you may not know this, but I am actually officially the Lord. That's what this certificate says, and that is thanks to today's sponsor, who established the title. Now, if you don't know what established titles are, they are essentially a fun and novel way to help preserve the natural woodlands of Scotland and help with global reforestation efforts.

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We can have our own ink. Slasher Kingdom Now, when you do this, you can then change your name personally on things like plane tickets, credit cards, and things along those lines. My girlfriend still won't call me that, but hey. I'm still trying, and to make things even better, when you buy a plot of land with established titles, they plant one tree and trees for the future to help support future global reforestation efforts.

cod warzone 2.0

You order them; they work great for yourself, a friend, or as a last-minute gift idea if you don't know what to get someone. So we're going to start out with the main things that I enjoy about War Zone 2 and then move into some other smaller details. I've tried to limit them to my biggest opinions on the game and not focus too much on the nitty-gritty.

So as far as the great things go, the best thing and the thing that I've probably seen the most on social media is proximity chat. Chat may be the greatest thing added to Call of Duty in a very long time, but yes, it can be annoying when someone has an incredibly loud mic or is talking. Some things are not so great, but other than that, it is a lot of fun and adds a whole new mechanic to the battle royale instead of just running headstrong.

In a gunfight, you can have a little conversation first and try to sort things out with your enemies, or you can betray them or do something else altogether. Proximity and chat have to be two of the best improvements within War Zone 2, if not the very best on top of that. I actually really enjoy this map. There are a few areas where I think the elevation is a little bit too high or a pain to get through, or if you have high ground, you have a situation.

Map feels really really good

Map feels really really good

Advantage but overall the map feels really good and I think they did a very good job of it the buildings there's many ways to get in and out of them and it's a good way to counteract campers but of course it's Call of Duty campers are still apps absolutely a problem and the next best thing after proximity, chat I think this is actually the gunplay one.

One thing that I think is good about the guns in this game is that when I pick them up off the ground. I still feel powerful; I don't feel like I need a loadout to do well in the game, and I think that's a really big improvement over the first war zone. I don't know whether that is weapon balance or what exactly the reasoning behind that is, but it definitely feels different in that way now.

cod warzone 2.0 review

There are some problems with loadouts, and I will talk about that one in a minute, but as far as weapon tuning and how you can tune attachments to make them feel unique. I think that is absolutely amazing and adds even more depth to the game. The reason why I don't have a article out on the best loadouts or best weapons is because I'm still fiddling around trying to figure out what I actually think is the best, but as soon as I figure that out, of course.

I will bring you guys a article on that, but needless to say, the guns feel really, really good. Now, this next thing I'm going to talk about I haven't heard a lot of people talk about, and I think it's a very big thing, not just for War Zone 2, but for article game games in general. It is very clear that Warzone was not developed for solo players; it is very hard to play in the solo playlist.

If you want to play DMZ for that matter, playing solo is very, very difficult; it is clearly designed to be played with other people, and a couple of reasons why I think that are: 1. First of all, the time to kill feels really, really fast within War Zone; 2. I feel like I melt people incredibly fast, and they melt me incredibly fast with that and a lot of gun fights you get into in War Zone 2, especially.


In solos, it just feels like you don't have a chance. For example, what am I supposed to do here? now of course you could argue and say I should have had a UAV up I could have used a heartbeat sensor but that guy was camping his ass off in a corner with a Bouncing Betty that I didn't know was there and even avoiding The Bouncing Betty, he one-shot me with a shotgun, and there are not a lot of options for me to prevail within that situation.

On top of that, other things like bomb drones just immediately eliminate you and are very difficult to take down, so things like that make playing solos very hard. DMZ is a different story; there's just lots of AI, and playing solo is very difficult because of that, but that's a whole other story and a topic for a whole different article, needless to say.

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