News - Mwz Solo Duplication Glitches (2 Glitches You Should Be Doing Before Season 2) Warzone 2 Zombie Glitches

cod glitch

To dup items, you're going to need to do the Tombstone glitch, grab a large backpack and a tombstone perk, and then fill your backpack with any items you want to duplicate. You will also need to equip or complete the B signal. Story Mission: If you already have a tombstone set up, loot everything from it until it crumbles, then have a friend drop money for you so that you can start each game with Max Essence.

Feel free to join our zombie Discord in the description if you're needing schematics or Essence, and a big thank you to all the zombie helpers in our Discord. If you guys have no time to earn XP or unlock camos in Modern Warfare 3, then check out Mitch {495}. They are the biggest and most reliable sellers with amazing deals, and they can even unlock the nuke skin for you.

Once your backpack is set up with items and Essence, you're going to want to leave any squad you're on so that you're solo, then get down, bleed out, and wait until you get back to the main. Lobby, when you go into the next game, a tombstone icon will appear on the map, so head to it and grab all your loot until it crumbles, then go to the bad signal portal to do the no XO glitch.

Console players will need to close the game just after the countdown ends, and PC players will need to close the game on the black screen after the warping animation. When you restart the game, you will see that you kept all your gear and looted yourself.

Bypass stash limit glitch

Bypass stash limit glitch

You can bypass the stash limit by doring any items in your stash that you crafted or items you X filled with on a normal xfill. If you don't know which items are crafted, then just start destroying the items in the first few slots of your stash.

Once you have gotten below the 10 out of 10 stash limit, then just unequip the backpack items to fill your stash with hundreds of duped items. The stash glitch might not work for everyone, so don't delete your stash if you already have a ton of items.

Max stash? try this

Keep dubing over and over again until you can't tube anymore.

Eventually, your stash will be full and you won't be able to unequip backpack items, so when this happens, that means you're at your maximum stash limit. You can put more items in your stash if you destroy contraband weapons. Every weapon you destroy will give you one extra slot, so use them.

Weapon dupe / god gun glitch

Gear, once the jug wears off, you'll be wielding duped weapons, and if you swap weapons, you will see that you're wielding.

Three, you will want to wield the dupe version of your insured weapon and then grab the original from the ground to turn it into a. Contraband: the duped version of the wonder weapon can be upgraded with an ether tool and then packed and punched to turn it into the strongest weapon in the game, which I call the god gun glitch.

This works very well with most Wonder Weapons, but the best is probably the VR11 since it's a beast to take out. Boxes, when you're ready to leave, use the portal, but you will need to drop the god gun before doing the no Expo glitch so that your insured weapon shows up in the second slot. When you restart the game, your insured weapon will be a contraband, but your insured slot will be on cooldown, forcing you to use another slot if you want to dup more.

Godmode spot to kill bosses

Godmode spot to kill bosses

Hopefully this one helps you guys out, and this may be your last chance to get this item, so do it while it lasts.

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