News - Is Warzone 2. 0 Any Good

Let's talk warzone 2.0

Let's talk warzone 2.0

Warzone, Chapter 2, is here. I just played for the last 16 hours, so let's talk about it, starting off with the pros and my initial first impressions of Warzone 2: I think it's great. I would honestly give the game a seven or eight out of ten, and I'll explain to you guys why I'm leaving. I guess you could say two negative tick points in the future.

First, I think that the map is amazing.

The map

When I was flying around different locations and landing at different places, it gave me vibes like crazy. I honestly think that the devs and Infinity Ward and all of them plan to make a map like Verdant because I know that a lot of people -- I was not one of those people but a lot of people wanted to bring back dance and kind of wanted that nostalgia type of vibe, and I feel like that's what we got with Al Majra.

There was a reference to loot and kind of regarding where or what location you're at, meaning if you are landing at a medical building or a building that's like a hospital, you're going to find a lot of medical supplies in that building, so that could be stems that could mean heart beats, things like that.

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If you go to gas stations, you can find money and ammo, and it seems, which I personally like based on where you are on the map, that it kind of reflects the loot that will be there, so you'll find cash registers and gas stations that have money. One downside that I am seeing with Al Madra is the pacing.



I'm going to kind of give this a negative tick point as a con of the game. The pacing with this map feels a lot slower now that there are 150 players right now, and I'll go into later how I feel about the servers and how that's been going, but there are currently 150 players, and I think the map would flow much better with 200.

I have landed at a ton of different places like POIs, rotation zones, and things like that, and there were honestly stretches of the game where I was just in a vehicle driving around trying to find people, and I feel like that could honestly just be a first-day thing, but if that pacing stays like that.

I would really like to see some changes, even more players to get to that 200 player cap.



Mark Next, a topic I want to touch on is loadouts and guns. Now, I know a lot of people are very confused about what's going on with loadouts. Do I have loadout guns? Yes and no. So, currently in war zone 2, there is one free loadout that drops now that drops, I believe, anywhere after the third zone, which is kind of weird.

I know it would drop at a kind of specific time in the third zone, but sometimes it wouldn't, and then it would wait until the fourth or fifth, and it was just kind of awkward, and I really think that they need to make some QOL or quality of life changes with this loadout. Now if you're playing on a team and somebody hits the loadout from your team or another team hits the same loadout as you were going to hit, the loadout disappears from the map.

Now it only disappears on your HUD and map on the top left, but it's technically still there if you haven't grabbed your loadout yet, and I really don't like that because then you have to kind of memorize exactly where all the loadouts drop instantly because if you don't and you aren't paying attention, when other teams hit those loadouts that you were going to, they disappear, which means you're going to spend a lot of time kind of looking around and not looking for enemies, and I think that's really annoying.

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Having more guns on the ground, loot, and not just an instant loan out for everybody is a positive. I, personally, like this change because I think there's more of a skill gap with using ground loot weapons or, kind of, lootable weapons than just getting your loadout instantly, and most of the time people wouldn't even bother fighting until they had their loadout weapons in War Zone 2, which is completely different.

Quality of life

Quality of life

To wrap up the article, I want to touch on a couple "QOL Changers" that I would personally love to see. Now I know a lot of people are confused about the backpacks and looting, and I feel like we had a pretty good system with the Warzone one with, kind of, the splatter loot when you kill somebody instead.

Now you have to go into a backpack and move things over to your backpack and things like that, and I feel like that can be improved to be more efficient when you obviously get a kill. You then go into the opponent's backpack that you killed. Another thing that I don't like is the buy station, so if you ran up to a buy station you could hit the side of anywhere around the buy station, so if you ran up to a buy station you could hit the side of the station and open up the buy station menu.


Right now in the game, you have to run directly in front of the buy station to use it. Again, this is a small touch that I think they should change. One of my most frequently voiced requests for QR changes is plating and running. I think that they should change this because obviously they have nerfed movement a lot from Warzone One—no more sidekick, no more b-hopping, no more sliding in general—but they also took out plating and running, and I feel like that really hurts the players that really have good finesse and.

I will use the word movement, but really on how to engage and fight a team. So when you are obviously fighting a team and you get a knock and then you are going to push them or they break you as you're running, you cannot plate because you were actually walking and plating. I feel like this could actually help you, as a good player, learn how to improve and things like that if they added back in running and plating.

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I think that is the one thing that bugs me the most, and that is going to wrap up my first thoughts on a second war zone. Overall, it's only day one, so there are going to be issues. Of course, I played the game for 16 hours, so these were kind of my initial thoughts of the game.

Warzone end game

Warzone end game

Yeah, it does not know I'm here. I'm taking my time. He knows I'm here. How did I do with the smoke? We're going to get shot at, okay, and I've got to smoke. Yeah, go, go. That's 60 kills; we broke the record; that's a banger.

Things will change as time goes on, but we have officially had our first real play through of Warzone 2. As someone who plays Warzone competitively and everyday, these are my thoughts on the state of the game thus far. - Time Stamps -. Let's Talk Warzone 2.
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