News - Is This Ruining Warzone 2

You get these very different outcomes where things feel more powerful or less powerful depending on the situation. I would describe a very talented controller player as somebody who is as accurate at close range as they are at long range. because long range is ultimately much more challenging for a controller player, whereas on keyboard and mouse.

modern warfare 2

I would describe a talented keyboard and mouse player as somebody who is as accurate as they are at long range. In terms of tracking opponents, when you start getting into these kind of grayer sort of 30 to 70 or 30 to 80 meter ranges, there are instances where it feels like it's a plus or minus depending on the person and depending on the platform.

Because of the slightly longer ranges, you'll find instances where beaming, for somebody with a keyboard and mouse, feels really easy, whereas At slightly closer ranges around 40 and 50 meters, paying somebody with a controller feels substantially easier, and the difficulty with this is that the game-deciding gun battles between squads or opponents inside Warzone 2 tend to happen at around the 30 to 50 meter mark, which is often why so many keyboard and mouse players feel so hard done by, whether it's the later Circle finishes that compact players all together.

modern warfare 2 gameplay

The gunfights at individual points of interest in towns and buildings I, for one, would argue that the average engagement range in Warzone 2 is somewhere around 40 to 50 meters, where controller players ultimately have a slight advantage, but if you listen to controller players, they will say that's not really the case, or at least some of them won't feel that way, and the reason why is very simple, and it has to do with that earlier mention I made of the vertical and horizontal recoil now.

while to somebody like me who has played countless hours of this game and countless shooters The Recoil feels extremely controllable and traceable to most average players, but that is not the case especially. As it presently stands, this is a feature of War Zone 2 and Modern Warfare 2. There appear to be three or four different recoil patterns, and that can make it quite difficult for the average controller, or player, to adjust things over range now, especially for somebody like me who plays on ultra-precise settings and, ultimately, aims for micro adjustments to stay accurate.

modern warfare 2 multiplayer

I don't have a problem with this, but for the vast majority of players—and, by the way, you should really check out my controller settings articles—this is important. Those guns were straight up laser beams comparatively to Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 guns, which have intended target ranges, and the recall patterns on some of them, especially things like the AK, tend to be quite dramatic and actually pull you away from the aim assisted bubble, so it almost feels as though at longer ranges when you're firing at an opponent with a controller, there is a point whereby the recoil pattern is pulling so high and so frequently that.

It's actually pulling you off target and pulling you away from the actual bubble of aim assist in the game, and this effect of course gets worse and worse depending on the distance of the target and how far away they get comparatively. Controlling those recoil patterns is, seemingly, much easier on a keyboard and mouse, despite the fact that variation still exists for both platforms.

So what is the answer here from somebody who plays controller and keyboard or mouse? Is Aim Assist truly overpowered? And honestly, I don't think the answer should be a definitive yes or no. In my opinion, yes, aim assist is slightly overpowered, but I don't think it's the actual process of aim assist itself.

modern warfare ii

The slowdown values or how it interacts with recoil in different ranges, I honestly and genuinely believe that. If they reduce the overall rotational aim assist by 20 to 30 percent, the game would be in a far more balanced and entirely balanced situation. In my personal opinion, you can see on screen just how powerful some of the rotational aim assist is, especially at closer ranges, and if this were scaled back by a third.

I bet you most players wouldn't even notice, and most players are already trying their best to track their targets anyway. It would create a larger skill gap; there would be fewer instances where PC players feel like they're just being deleted at close range for no reason; and it would provide a higher skill gap for controller players generally speaking when they face each other.

mw2 aim assist

Considering War Zone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 have input-based matchmaking, that's definitely something that controller players probably would like to see at close range, controllers do dominate, especially up until around the 50-meter mark. But at longer ranges, keyboards and mice dominate, and unfortunately, due to the nature of a battle royale, all of your gunfights could happen anywhere between 0 and 300 meters.

Your input device could help you or hinder you in these scenarios, and it could also depend on how good a player you are. I genuinely think a fairly subtle or at least a third reduction of the amount of rotational aim assist would put the game on a level playing field where absolutely nobody could complain, but at the bare minimum, at least aim assist is working far more as it was intended in comparison to Warzone 1 and Modern Warfare 2019 and has fewer broken instances of tracking circuits than it shouldn't.

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