News - Is The Kastov 545 Viable Warzone 2 Ranked. Best Ranked Kastov 545 Setup



is a foreign language. For the SMG and the attack 56, for the assault rifle, many of the other guns that could have been mixed into the meta or potentially would have taken over the meta have either been banned or G8, so the professional players have agreed not to use them in order to maintain a balanced meta.

However, I do feel like there is a third gun that could potentially fit nicely in between the attack 56 and the vasnav 9K, and this is the cast-off 545. So, today I'm going to be sharing an optimized setup that I made specifically for ranch play with the Casa 545, and then we're going to compare that to a typical Tac-56 build you'd see in ranked or competitive play now.

One thing to clarify before we get into the article I don't think the cast-off 545 is going to take over the meta by any means. I still think that for most people, going toward the vasnav or the attack 56 is going to be the best way to go. I just wanted to sort of introduce this as a third option for someone who may be looking for something a little bit different to use that's somewhere in between the Vasnav and the Attack 56, so , starting it off with a baseline here, this is the TAC 56 build that I'm going to be comparing my new cast-off build to.

Kastov 545 ranked setup

So there may be some slight variations, but this is the exact setup I am going to be comparing to, and this right here is the cast-off 545 setup that I've optimized for ranked play, so with this we're using the RF Crown 50 muzzle, the f-tak Ripper under barrel, the Slimline Pro optic, the Pro Light TL3 stock, and the true tack grip.

Now, of course, if you wanted, you could swap a few things out, but this is something that I played around with for quite some time, and this was a nicely optimized setup for a flex AR sort of roll, so let's start comparing it to the TAC 56 build.

Handling comparison

And we'll start this off with our handling statistics.

Our aim down sight time is going to be noticeably faster than our Tac 56 build at 283 milliseconds, so we are going to be able to snap on a target a bit faster than Tac 56, which is a huge upside to using the cast-off. Our sprint out time is going to be identical to our attack 56 build at 179 milliseconds, and our reload ad time is unfortunately a little bit slower than the cast-off 545, but this is one of the few stats that's worse than the TAC 56 when we're talking about handling stats.

Mobility comparison

Mobility comparison

Then, when we get into our mobility stats, our movement speeds are noticeably faster across the board, especially that Sprint movement speed, so you're going to be able to get to those power positions a lot quicker than you can with attack 56, which is a big benefit, and we can also strafe in gunfights.

Velocity comparison

modern warfare 2

Fairly effectively with the cast-off 545 , but then finally for the numerical comparisons here, our muzzle velocity is going to be a little bit slower, but it's still very respectable and shouldn't be an issue for you within the ranges you'll be fighting in with this at 640 meters per second. Of course, if you do use high velocity on your attack with the 56 build, that velocity value will be very different, but Even without high velocity, just because we have that Tundra Barrel on there, we are getting a slightly higher velocity than the cast-out 545, but overall, just looking at these numbers, the Casa 545 is clearly going to be better at getting around the map quickly and, also, at getting onto target very quickly if you're not already pre-aiming in the A lane, but what about our raw power or killing potential with this gun compared to the TAC 56?

Range/time to kill comparison

Let's have a look at a range in time to kill comparison, here, and as you can see with both the attack 56 and the cast of 545 builds, they're both going to have a three-shot kill potential in their maximum damage range. It's worth noting that the cast of 545 has a slightly higher fire rate, and therefore, you get a slightly better time to kill, although I would say that difference is fairly negligible.

A really big thing with the Casa 545 is that you only need two upper-torso shots mixed in with another shot anywhere in the body in order to maintain that three-shot kill, whereas with the Attack 56, it's less forgiving. Now dropping off to a four-shot kill, so at least within the cast of 545's maximum damage range, it's clearly superior to the attack 56, however.

When we get beyond that, the attack 56 often takes over because our damage ranges are simply longer with this setup tactic. But, just for an alternative view of this. I just wanted to show an outline of where each of these guns will beat out the other gun, so any of those trunks in red within that range window is where the cast-off is going to be superior to the attack 56.

Whereas any of the areas in green are where the attack 56 has more raw power than the Kasov 545. And as you can see from 0 to 40 meters, the Casa 545 is going to be beating out the Taco 56 more often than not. We're looking at raw time-to-kill potential, and the vast majority of your gunfights, especially in ranked play, are going to fall within about 50 meters or so, and as a result, at the very least, the cast-off 545 shouldn't be ignored over the TAC 56.

Now i'm sure some of you guys are curious about how the Vasnav slots in here as well, so I will show you guys right here.

Recoil comparison

Recoil comparison

Of course, we also have to factor in recoil to see how easy it is to land those shots consistently, because you can have a great time to kill, but if you can't land your bullets, you'll technically end up killing way slower than a more accurate gun. So here is the side-by-side comparison with the attack 56 build that I had, and as we can see clearly, the attack 56 is the more accurate option.

modern warfare ii

Overall, it kicks mainly straight up, especially for the first 20 shots fired, and generally speaking, you're not firing more than 20 shots all at once without stopping. However, with my Casa 500, if I build it, I still consider this to be a very accurate and easy-to-control gun. Sure, it does start to drift to the right after the first six or seven shots fired, and you will have to be prepared for that and you will have to compensate for that a little bit, but it's not that difficult, and we do get a fairly nice grouping with our initial shots fired, which, if you've got good aim and you're confident that you're landing that first shot on target consistently.

The meta for Competitive Modern Warfare II has been more or less set in stone for a while now with the TAQ-56 and Vaznev 9k but today, I wanted to investigate the viability of The Kastov 545 to be used alongside the big 2.
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