News - I Made The Pro Mcw Class Setup "even Better" Warzone 2. Best Mcw Class Loadout

best mcw class mw3

This is the Pro Player class setup for the MCW assault rifle in Modern Warfare 3, but with ranked play around the corner today. Making this class does not mean that the original Pro build of the weapon is bad; if you want to use that one, go ahead, but there are some things you could improve, and that's what we're trying to do today: set a baseline.

This is the version of the weapon I've made articles of before. This is the pro version of the MCW that a lot of players run, so for the stock, it's really heavy on the recoil; hence the name in the downsides we get here do affect our handling and mobility, and then the same thing with the muzzle break: it has really good vertical recoil, but it hurts the horizontal recoil, and its damage ranges are worse.

Which brings us to the build that I made for today's article. we still have on the dr6 hand stop we still have the 16 and 1/12 in MCW, the Cyclone long barrel, and then I SWA from the Mark II reflector to the Slate reflector just to get a different look at things. Literally, we took off the muzzle device completely, which hurts our recoil a little bit, but this gun's recoil is insane by default, so our damage ranges are no longer hindered, and our mobility and handling are also no longer hindered if we were to use a different muzzle.

best mcw class setup

And then, coming into the stock, we swapped from the RB Regal heavy to the MCW Iron Bark tactical stock. This boosts the aim-down sight speed, sprint-to-fire speed, and hip-fire spread. However, it does have +4% in every recoil category. If you want to count that as a penalty personally. I don't think it's that big of a deal if noticeable at all in game, assuming you have any amount of recoil control in your body, and then on the topic of recoil, we did put on the RB claw PSL grip; it's minus 8 to your gun kick control, minus 8 to your horizontal recoil, and basically minus 8 again to your vertical recoil, and there's no downside to your handling or mobility; the only thing you lose is aiming idle sway if you want a little bit more recoil control without that big of a hit to your mobility or handling.

best mcw class setup multiplayer

Take off the rear grip, go into the muzzle, and put on the L4 our flashhider, and then for you stat nerds, here is a side by side of both weapons extended details: The top one is the slower version using the RB Regal stock, and the build did break, and the bottom version is the build I was running in this game that's faster.

All right So the point of today's article is to try and find a faster version of the AR, the MCW, that'll work competitively because ranked play comes out in a few days. So, this version of the NCW that I'm running is faster, its recoil is basically the same as long as you hit who you're shooting at, and it doesn't hurt your damage ranges because the Abed break isn't on, so that's basically the goal of what today's article is as I pack it and burst my way through mid-map.

cdl pro mcw class setup

Jesus, I hope this gets fixed. Basically, that's what we're trying to accomplish today because the pro-build of the weapon that everybody runs isn't bad; it's not bad. Don't get it twisted. I just wanted a faster build of the weapon, because sometimes fast is better, and I probably could have made this thing a little faster, but then it would have made it not really what the MCW is supposed to be in the competitive realm, so for those of you that are going to spew attachments at me and like say things to me.

I understand I could have made this faster by not running the long barrel; that's kind of not at the point of what I'm going for. Now, poor guy, he didn't deserve that he did for chasing me, but he didn't deserve that because the only other class I've really demonstrated on the channel is the class I literally saved as Dashy because it was the class I made for my Dashy article and it has the bed break on it, and while the bed break is good, in some situations, especially for the average player.


I do think it's a little bit of. I am trying so hard to get places that matter, but I'm just lagging. It might sound like an excuse. It's just it's the truth though this is, annoying now he's lying down in the corner to the left very cool if I can get like a 45 kill game that's going to be good enough just because of this is this is how the game is going to play tonight n I'm okay, man I have better things to do than to like sit here and pray to the gods that might exist enough that I can just move no shot, there's someone up, here okay, no, there's not, however.

I have no idea where the enemies are. It's a balancing act whenever they're not in the power position, but at the same time, I have no idea where they're. At the Packers can suck my ass my God, they actually might all be underground, as weird as that sounds like that's the only place they could be because I've been running around the places my teammates aren't and the enemies were not there, so yeah, they're like the entire 10 V10 Lobby

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