News - Failed, But Still The Best Fps. Warzone 2. 2023. Campaign Review

cod mw3 review

Helicopter, and in the other one, we are given the opportunity to make only a few shots, which in essence do not change the situation on board. Aircraft, the only impact of these missions is essentially a new reinterpretation of the legendary No Russian, which here consists of three missions linked for one purpose only: to create a direct conflict between the US and Russia, or, as Marov says, to restore some greatness to Russia, and we will use it as a tool of war to restore glory to Russia, the real.

Russia, though I don't understand in what place this country can be considered great again; it's unclear, but why does Marov really need all this during the 3 hours of the plot? We still won't be told that. On the whole, the rest of the missions are just ordinary and unforgettable, which is a consequence of the same mediocre gameplay.

Design, almost half of the campaign is open combat missions, which can hardly be called story missions, and on top of all that, we get incredibly weak classic linear story missions.

The problems are in the little details

The problems are in the little details

Mission Price is dressed essentially exactly the same as he was in Modern Warfare 2. Okay, you might say. Slava, you're already being picky; however, after all, this is a mission where we need to sneak into a facility with a bunch of guards by stealth on arguably the most open piece of land in these mountains.

Seriously, they couldn't draw him some great camouflage. I'm surprised those fighters don't see our silhouette at this point, pushing down from the mountainside. That's [__] And that's just what's obvious, and there are a lot of such small flaws; otherwise, the gameplay component of the game remains on the same level as in the previous Modern Warfare 2, with the same weapons and the same shooting.


Physics: same sound effects; the game play just stayed at the same high level as before but didn't provide anything new; it's the same story with the graphics; it's also good and some places beautiful, but on the same level as before; moreover, in my feelings, the graphics in the open combat missions were much worse than in the standard missions, but maybe I'm wrong, but is everything so terrible? I wouldn't say that.



Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is still a great shooter, which gives the current industry a full range of emotions and game modes that no other first-person shooter can give nowadays. Here we get a story campaign in multiplayer with many modes, including zombie mode and even cooperative missions.

In this gaming segment, there is simply no competitor that gives the same amount of content. Battlefield no longer gives us great story campaigns focusing only on multiplayer, and such decent realistic shooters as Insurgency Sandstorm Ground Branch Ready or Not Direct Contact. Etc., created by small teams of developers simply can't compete with such a giant as Call of Duty simply because they don't have the same scale and amount of content, and that's the problem—a huge problem for us simple players who want to get for $70.

modern warfare 3

not just the presence of all this content but a quality product in all its manifestations, and I think that it is because of the lack of competition that we got such a bad campaign from Sledgehammer. Jesus, this time they were even too lazy to add realism difficulty to The Campaign, which made it possible to at least play with HUD turned off and get some feeling of full immersion, but not this time, so as strange as it may sound, let's say thank you that at least someone still gives us a chance to immerse ourselves in the world of a full-fledged story.

The Campaign. After all, that's why we once loved shooters.

Final question

Final question

modern warfare 3 2023

Much , and the final question, what is the future of the Modern Warfare series with this development, well a month after the game's release I've come to the thought that maybe we needed to get through such a terrible part of the series as Modern Warfare 3. 2023, what I mean by that, in this game I see the outcome of one notorious slogan change or die, yes the introduction of new open combat missions in the story campaign first of all for me was a complete disappointment and caused the most negative emotions up to the point of wanting to return my money, but who knows perhaps such a radical step towards change will give us more interesting story campaigns in the future, and thanks to such colossal and Justified criticism I hope the developers will realize that you can't introduce war zone style missions into the story campaign without any changes, and they need to refine those missions so that they feel coherent and harmonious with both the game story and the rest of the linear missions, for crying out loud at least give players the option to turn off all those mini Maps tool tips and HUD, give players back the full feeling of being involved in not just a game but a full-blown movie with what you've really tried to do in your previous games, what's next.

I think we're in for the return of Roach's new tricks from graves, the return of the impressive Valeria from Modern Warfare 2, and the final showdown between Task Force 141 and.

Welcome back! LugovoisesGames is here and today we are going to talk about the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 [ 2023 ]. Let's break down the weaknesses and strengths of the new MW and compare it to the original trilogy as well as other modern First Person Shooters. In this video you'll hear a lot of unpopular opinions about the game, and also we'll discuss how Sledgehammer destroyed the whole identity of the story campaign, which we loved so much for many years.
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