News - Ebr-14 Vs Taq-m Modern Warfare 2 & Warzone 2. Which Marksman Rifle Is The Og


So we're going to shorten down the format a little bit; we're going to cover the same stats, but we're going to a bit we're going to cover the same stats but we're going to just deliver it a bit quicker. Let's just talk about the damage right away, and we'll summarize all this at the end. So the damage on the EVR is 72, and the damage on the attack M is going to be 84.

Now the main thing that you need to consider here is that the attack M will require one fewer shot to kill. That means the headshot damage is now 125 on the ABR and 136 on the attack M. If you hit all headshots, your shots to kill would be the exact same; however, it doesn't, so you know you're going to be mixed up in generally doing more damage on the attack game.

That's all you need to know. Let's talk about the rounds per minute. Are you getting that damage off quicker on attack M? The EBR is going to be doing 286 rounds per minute, whereas the attack M is going to be doing 231; on a semi-automatic weapon, this is noticeable. However, you do get a lot less recoil on the attack M, so it does make up for it, so you might actually hit that follow-up shot.

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More consistently, there's no point in having a high rate of fire if you're going to be missing more of those shots. The damage per second if you're hitting your shot to the chest is going to be 343 on the attack. It's going to be 323; as you already know, we've held all the damage numbers at 100.

Health 200; Health 250 Health Three Plates: We are going to be talking about the time to kill, and that's going to be on the EBR, and more Warzone will start. That's because you had fewer shots to kill and you still had a really decent fire rate anyway. Now, that doesn't include a headshot, just the chest.

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Now in multiplayer, it's going to be 210 milliseconds for an EBR, and it's going to be 260 milliseconds for attack M. What this basically means is that for Warzone or DMZ use, attack M, you're going to get easier follow-up shots with the less recoil, and it's going to have some decent range, which we'll talk about in a second in general war zone attack M multiplayer, but if you do have that hard on for a war zone or a war zone for a marksman rifle use the EBR, the bullet velocity is very, very strong.


1380 meters per second and beyond, yes. I am using the bullet velocity ammo variant, so this is like with the consideration that we're using like the max build, so the same for the range, the damage, and the time to kill, so I'll just assume that you're using the attachment that's going to give you the best for that, so on the attack M, it's going to be 1268, which is not as high, but can I just point out that is still laser-like speeds like you're going to really read that's going to be faster than a lot of sniper rifles.

So bear in mind that you have that lethality in terms of not having to lead your shot as much with both of these weapons. Yes, the EBR has a slightly easier rambling range, 56 meters; however, in multiplayer and from the war zone up until about 80 or 90 meters, that will not affect your shots to kill; it just affects the damage you're doing at those ranges.

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Tuck m66, meters with 67; actually, what have I got here? 66.8 Yep, so this is the maximum range build, so yeah, I just did the CEC, and there's the EBR. It's not going to be actually affecting your shots to kill until you go into silly ranges like 100 meters or so anyway, so yeah, the range is a bit of a non-factor at the moment for this one, and the aim down sight speed is going to be 470 if you are going to build for velocity, recoil control, damage range, all that stuff.

470 milliseconds on the ABR on attack M; it's going to be 430 milliseconds in general, which is a little bit slower, not a lot slower, but you are going to feel that extra 50 milliseconds in multiplayer. You're going to feel it. Obviously in multiplayer. I do use smaller builds, so I don't often put a barrel on there; I usually run a stock, which helps with the ads speed.

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Stuff like that, whereas you're going to be wanting to run the biggest mags you can because the marching rifles are, of course, going to, so what's my assessment of these weapons? My assessment of the depths is that you should be using, like I said before. APR multiplayer and then just using attack m in Warzone VMZ, and that is purely because of those time to kill numbers and the fact that you can insta-kill with a headshot in multiplayer.

With both of these weapons, there is more than enough reason to take them into a multiplayer lobby; however, the added damage on the attack is going to be really, really nice, especially with that over 100 millisecond difference in terms of the time to kill too, so just yeah, bear that in mind. So, yeah, guys, that's going to wrap that one up.

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You've been awesome, and we'll speak to you in the next "Talk Away," which a talk away that's the podcast. I've got that on my mind. I got the next Shadows Reign A1 article on my board; ah, sake right, cheers guys like you and subscribe. I'll do you, and not in a sexual

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