News - Cod: Warzone 2 Perfect Action Kills (trojan Horse)no Damage



That's a difference between us, and then we're going to let this stand, boss. The best way to end the war is to win it. No, prisoners are hunting. Commander me too, Captain Nick, take far back with you straight away, Captain right spread for Xville, we're going. On watcher: Bravo sends traffic.

Watcher MI6 is relaying waves of con chatter to us bottom line at Kate. Where are the con's in London? How is my off-al life? There's communication from AAR 90. That's his cool son. What are they doing in London? Lesel signals intelligence shows con's meeting with a known black hat to tomorrow in Greensbury Park a hacker that's our Mark What's Cory wanting access to?

We need to find that out and stop it. No hacker can lead us to ROV Cor's in London; he can't be far behind. We get solid intelligence. We'll have to move quickly to coordinate with London Metro and get us. I'm standing by, and you plug into London. CCTV The rest of us left a mark on the ground; Marov could be in our backyard.


We got wind of where he is; we'll move on from it for now. Let's follow our mark and find them. Bravo 07 to Watcher CCTV is an online copy of a visual radio. Check six in position, so light and Clear airm Eyes on the Mark black hoodie, good check, let go to work. Bravo Rod get ready to move soap keep a low profile we lose her will is, macarov solid, copy.

Understood got light smoking Johnny Blend it in LT you say so targets moving sergeants if she takes a call or talks to anyone we need to hear it soap copy that she talks we listen wait she's tying her sh likely checking if she's being followed good doggy Yeah, she's cautious; she's in over her head with Marov.

Mark's moving Keep on; our phone is ringing. Get close and listen. Hey, I got to drop the flash drive on the. Ro eyes on the Alley exit. No sign of Cony has already left. Scrub the footage for anyone leaving the Alley 07; they'll likely be the buyer who found him. Stay on him, ghost. Whatever he's got, we need his bio.

went interior lost, visual reacquired I see him go B., obscuring my view and finding a new angle, then youve seen this Lasell affirms fire exit 43. Target's crossing the street; he's crossing to Ay Street or Bravo. Target's heading into The Pedestrian, a good place for Con to hide. We have Metro and SFO ready to mobilize.

I say we call in and copy all stations. Gear up and prepare to breach. Ro 6 on Route cing off the perimeter with the rest of you, It's clear there are a lot of doors leading to the old train station. At the door, preparing for a breach, a breach is on your signal. Captain Ready?.

Action gameplay

Action gameplay

Let's get this done. Reaching three, two, and one, execute p by sweeping left and right. Clear that's what we're copying. Find that buyer and get that drive. John, contact Clear Team One and push downstairs with us. Conta, in the whole way guys move to flank moving side, you need to disable the on me guys labatory.

Contact spread out and found that the buyer with the flash drive acquired whatever was on it and uploaded it into the station's train. Network Trojan Horse Con has control of the trains; there's more face recognition found this; they boarded 10 minutes ago, Marov. What a train full of civilian hostages and victims; that tunnel's 500 feet deep and 30 meters long; there's thousands of people down there at any given time; bravely, he's going to trap the trains and destroy the tunnel.


We have no proof of that yet. Makarov's truck stopped at a crossover platform 20 meters in. I'll have SFO's dispatch a second team. We need all the help we can get. We'll take the service tunnel. Let's move we may already be too late. Boys Captain Price At Your Service I need half of your man with my lieutenant, and the rest of you on me, right?

Stay close, follow my orders, and let's get on those doors. Yeah, six to watch here we are on the excort from Makarov solid copy Go get him, John. This past week, go down here easy, yeah, well, not W. Sunshine, hey come, Captain. C 6: Watcher Train Tel is clear advancing to crossover copy advise using the ventilation passage to get for Bravo this is 07 take an effective fire Tony has hostages.

Watcher, we're seeing dead civilians; they may be the first of many Bravos unless we stop. Hey Gage, clear securing the hostages; no casualties; get them to safety. Yes, we'll handle it. Let's cross over now. Watcher, that's mra's last known position. Six, stay sharp, let ready up, move may be beyond these.


Side, come in, talk to me, son, the bomb's dirty. Captain C4 and radioactive po PL hit the tunnel and hit Europe. How do we discern it? I need the manufacturer logo on the large socket, board. Give me something. The logo on the circuit board is a copy of a bear cutting the wire. Go ahead and tap Christ; be advised, Macarrov is in the channel.

He's heading your way, soap. You hear that I'm F. I'm not leaving this B. Captain, you got it. Off we need suppressive fire here we pin down c walk in the tunnel through clear please you back on that sneak come. From 07 to 6, we're punching through. Now get here. locate the blasting C bottom left hand corner copy blasting cap assass to the sa for I there's a serial number on it give me the third, number third number is niney good work This bomb has two fusers; we need to cut both at the same time red wire red wire got.

If you take this to hell with you, Captain, never bet your enemies alive


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