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Players have ample amount of opportunity if you guys are playing the game that's time to practice, and here we have Dar bear and I'm we're going to skip through this but look how long it takes him to get into his first game and how much looting he does and at what point he dies, if you guys are playing this game and you need to practice your gunfight you need to find somewhere to Hot Drop I don't want you guys just a hot Drop instantly die Hot Drop pick up a gun and practice your fight if you die rinse and repeat honestly if you guys need to improve your gun play, play aggressive, in vondel Resurgence map and then come back to this once you have a little bit more understanding Resurgence is filled with really skilled player it's a very skillful mode but in the day it's a better practice spot than this mode because this is more of a strategy.

Map than anything, but you do need to learn to shoot in order to win, so here we have Dar be looting and players are dropping, and they continue to drop, and long story short, again dropping, so we have gone down over 30 players in the game. Half the lobby is dead right now, and he still hasn't had a gunfight until now.

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And to be fair, we should have died. Your boy definitely should have killed us. I am the boss. At least he knows it's in his clan tag, but he should have killed us. We were coming in at him, and we were vulnerable when you're in a shoot like this, like he should have been shooting this whole time, should have been shooting, should have been shooting finally, shoots.

cod warzone 2

He should have killed us, and honestly, it looks like he didn't miss, but for some odd reason, as we stepped to the left, he just kept shooting straight and didn't track us at all. And your boy's able to go ahead and get the kill so again your boy Dar bear half the lobby is gone we are now, eight minutes into the match and he's gotten his first kill so for those of you out there are like I don't have enough time to get kills I got a wife got a job I got school I got a life Savage [ __ ] you remember, if you have time to play a 24-minute match, that's 24 minutes you could have been grinding trying to get some damn kills and I get everyone wants to play for the win but with the new war zone coming out these wins F this KD, get out there and play aggressive and become a better player man so many people are always messaging me Savage I became so good just by watching your articles, and as much as I appreciate that guys you all have it inside of you the whole reason I post these articles is not because I think I'm the best player ever it's not because.

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I think I'm better than you. A lot of you guys are better than me. The thing about it is that I believe that most players are better. I used to be a [__] 20 years ago, and these are the things I did to become a better player. If I can become a good player because I used to be so dog [__] so can you?

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I believe that everyone's got the potential to be a good player if you just put yourself in these situations. That's why I post these articles, you guys can watch how to drop 40 kill vide is all you want but if you guys aren't out there actively chasing down kills and trying to get in fights you will never, you will never drop 20 kills you'll never drop 30 kills that's honestly I'm getting a little bit passionate but that's honestly the me message of the story guys look every article I put out we might make fun of this guy we might make fun of that guy we might troll we might give some legit tips but at the end of the day man you all have it inside of you just have to unlock that gaming, does require a lot of skill if you're competing on a certain level if you're with up there with Tommy and Symphony and guys like that that's going to take a lot of practice that you really have to know life in order to get but those of you out there that are casual gamers you have the potential, to be a two or even a 3 KD player.

No doubt we have viewers that have become top 250; we have viewers that have become iridescent players; we have viewers that have just leveled up their skill, not because of me, just because they watched a few articles like. Damn. Savage is right. I just need to try, and then they try, and it's like.

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My God, he's better than who would have thought, but I regress. Here we are now with 39 players, and that right there is why he is getting fights. Look at the reaction time he didn't have right, so like in my situation here and I'm going to start, we're going to have better articles than this in the next War Z.

I got a lot planned for the next series for you guys, but the moment he gets shot out right here, he needs to break away from the AC unit. He needs to run to this area. That's his only chance of survival. He still might die before it goes off. He still might die before he still might die before he makes it there, but that's an option.

how to get wins in warzone 2

You know, another option is a smoke grenade. Right, how many times do you guys watch my live streams and I'm getting clapped? I just look down, throw a smoke, and start zigzagging, relying on just my movement to hopefully not get shot by this guy before that smoke poofs, which allows me to break away from smoke even when you're getting shot at guys.

It's a massive benefit. Massive, but he keeps this out, and he stays, and before he can even look at the enemy before he can even look at this, he's dead. Almost so again, reaction time and how you get better reaction time—you're damn right, you got to fight, you got to practice multiplayer, which is a great thing.

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The problem with multiplayer if you're going to be playing like shipment, and [__] is the fact that you're just going to get shot in the side a lot. I mean, in a game where there's a third party left and right, I love multiplayer to practice your aim, but to practice staying alive and mobility, it's not really the best.

how to win more in warzone 2

Moving on to Rogue ZL3, doing two and looking especially in solos, you should not be in this game. With 36 left and only two kills, you shouldn't. I'm sorry; you just shouldn't. And again i'm not the best player ever, but I promise you, if I'm up here in solos with 36 left, I'm going to have more than two.

Kills, all right, but he needs to get positioned this is not a good thing to be doing he's Crouch walking backwards in the middle of a ravine we've got The High Ground around him this is what you call a killbox right this is this is what I hate I'm a very strategical player strategy is what I've done in my life so this right here I look at this in instant gaming anxiety right cuz, what are you going to do if you get shot at you have no cover even if there are rocks and cars here again just because of the angle you're dead but there is no rocks and cars so you're dead anyway so we need to work our way up to one of these.

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