News - 14 Warzone 2. 0 Tips & Tricks To Immediately Play Better



hey you Warzone 2 can be tougher than hard carrying and no thumb Nathan through the gulag, but it doesn't have to be. It is literally free to do, so even if you never come back to my channel, do it anyway. But before we get into that, the holidays are right around the corner, and if you're like me, you might have a hard time thinking up fun gift ideas for your friends and family.

Today's article was sponsored by bespoke, which posted about a monthly membership club delivering a box of awesome, top-shelf goods from under the radar. It's free to join, and you can skip a month or cancel anytime. Each month, they introduce members to great new products: outdoor gear, barware, and footwear.

barware, home and kitchen goods, clothing, and more Each box of awesome has around 70 dollars' worth of goods but only costs a fraction of the value, and be sure to preview your box before it's shipped. You'll get a box of awesome assigned to you, and before it's shipped, you'll get a preview of what comes inside to decide if you'd like to either keep it, swap it for a different box, or skip the month entirely.

There's no charge, and you only pay for what you want. Here, check out the two boxes. I just got it from Bespoke Post. Most of y'all know I love to talk about cooking on stream. Well, here's the filet box, which comes with an almost four-inch paring knife and the Peace Day resistance. a, a brand new 8-inch chef's knife for all-purpose chopping; don't tell Anno she thinks I got too many kitchen knives; and I also got my grow box, which I'm really hyped for.

It comes with a handmade wooden box, multiple seed packets for all my favorite at-home herbs, a little bit of soil, a drip tray, and special herb shears, which I'll use to prune the herbs when they begin to grow. I'm looking forward to that one. It'll be a fun little winter project for your boy to get $20 off your first box of awesomeness. Fallout, And thank you, Bespoke post Alright, back to the content.

Fix that fov

Fix that fov

Tip number one: before you even fire up the game, change your phone fee. The first few tips we're going to cover happen before you even parachute into the map, but trust me, they're going to make a big difference in your gameplay from the main menu.

Go to settings in the top right corner and then Quick Settings: As the game tells you, your field of view is pretty much the size of your in-game view. The larger your field of view, the more of the battlefield you can take in around you. Look at the in-game example in the menu at 120 fps. 120fov, can see next to nothing without even needing to turn around, while a 120-degree field of view can see a lot of the surrounding area without even needing to turn around.

cod mw2

Be careful, though, because the higher you make your field of view, the more difficult it might be for you to land shots, especially on targets far away. Try to do a little experimenting in the game and see what feels comfortable to you. I'd recommend starting off somewhere around 100 to 105 FOV.

Change the parachute options

although some people I know run even higher than tip number two. Turn parachute "Auto Deploy" off. That's right, we're getting dangerous here, boys. In the menu, open up settings, and you can either find it based on your input method or you can just manually search for parachute. And the option should appear in War Zone 2 as you drop into the map; your shoot will auto-deploy once you reach a certain distance above.

The ground is essentially new player default protection to make sure you don't hit the pavement and turn into a pile of human jelly, but if you leave Auto Deploy on, there's a chance that when you drop in, you might Auto Deploy your shoot too early if you drop over an area with high elevation, like a mountain, a tree, a tall building, or whatever.

You don't want that because you want to get to the ground as quickly as you can, giving you the option to gear up and maybe even kill other Jabronis. around you before they even touch down on the ground, so turn auto-deployment off and learn how to time that shot so you pop it right when you want, ideally as close to the ground as you can.

Adjust how you apply armor

Adjust how you apply armor

Can you tip number three? Change your armor plate activation. I promise the setting tips will be done soon, but this one is definitely important. Armor plates are your freaking lifeblood in War Zone 2. Every time you take damage, you'll inevitably want to re-armor, a.k.a. Shove gigantic plates of armor padding into your operator's outfit; they'll give you extra protection against incoming attacks.

Damage is kind of key to not dying, but the armor system is potentially confusing if you haven't tinkered with the settings yet. If you're in the middle of a firefight, go to settings and search for armor. plate Behavior: I have the mindset to hold, meaning that as long as I'm holding down the armor button, my operator will continue to shove armor into his outfit until I'm either full or until I let go of the button.

I recommend doing that for more control, but you could definitely turn it on and apply it all if you wish. I don't really want to go with that option though, in case maybe I see an unaware enemy and I want to immediately stop what I'm doing and shoot him in the brain. but you pick whatever works.

Use best audio settings

Use best audio settings

best for you, Tip number four: Turn on proxy, chat, and subtitles and turn the volume up. Unfortunately, this is one tip I can only take half advantage of because I stream on Twitch Smooth. Plug Baby, and I don't want to get my channel shut down due to hearing a horde of 12-year-olds fire off racial slurs while I'm live.

But if you don't stream, lucky you! Proximity. Chat is a huge advantage in Warzone 2 because you can immediately know when other players are nearby by just hearing them talk, breathe, or blast music over their mic in the background if you play in an environment with a lot of noise. Audio cues in Warzone 2 are huge; hearing enemy gunfire, enemy equipment activation, or even a player's footsteps in a building that you're also in can potentially mean the difference between you winning and losing a gunfight.

Learn how to maximize your backpack

Learn how to maximize your backpack

Your backpack storage finally gets into more in-game stuff from here on out. I've played with a few folks who played a fair amount of Warzone 1, and they didn't know you could do things like carry and multiple kill streaks at the same time in Warzone 2 because they didn't fully understand how the backpack worked.

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