News - Best Suppressors Warzone 2. Range, Velocity, Recoil Comparison



foreign, we're going to be continuing on with our breakdown of attachments, based on data mining code from SIM. So this code is coming directly from the game files, and today we're going to be focusing on the suppressor attachments. Now. I've already covered all of the other muzzles and how they impact recoil in a different article, and that was already a super information-packed article, so I just didn't have space for suppressors in there.

So today we're going to be ranking the suppressors based on how they impact our aim-down sight time, our damage range, our bullet velocity, as well as our recoil.

Exceptions exist

Because those are the primary stats that they're going to have an impact on, and before we get into that, just a quick disclaimer: just like with a lot of the attachments in this game.

I'm going to be showing here the general rule of thumb. There are some exceptions where certain muzzle attachments, for whatever reason, will behave totally differently on one particular gun compared. To all of the other ones, be aware that there are exceptions to this, but this is just designed to give you a general idea to make things a lot easier when creating your class setups, at least most of the time.

Suppressors disable ghost

Suppressors disable ghost

Additionally, before we get into the stats, I do want to reiterate something that's very important to know about suppressors this year since it's different from the previous years of Call of Duty.

I have covered this multiple times in the past, but I feel like I need to reiterate it here since we're talking all about suppressors and I've also seen a lot of people misinterpret. This so listen carefully here. With the suppressors in this game, while firing your gun will never show up directly on the minimap for firing your gun as a DOT for enemy players, if you're using a suppressor combined with the ghost perk and you fire your gun, your ghost perk will be disabled for three seconds afterward.

That ghost perk got disabled because you fired your gun, but, again, just to be clear, the actual act of firing your gun with a suppressor equipped won't show you on the enemy's radar directly; it just disables your ghost perk. You probably don't want to be using many of them because of.

First tiers (slowest ads times)

First tiers (slowest ads times)

This and starting it off with the first set of tiers, the ones that harm our aim and sight time the most, Tier one: This is the F-Tac Reaper. This one will add 148 milliseconds to your downrange aim time, which is ridiculous. However, it will increase your damage range by 14, which is a nice boost.

It also boosts your bullet velocity by 30 percent, which is a very nice boost, and it gives you a seven percent reduction in your recoil across the board. This applies to both view kick and gun kick horizontally and vertically, so definitely some nice benefits there, but I wouldn't say it's generally worth adding 148 milliseconds to your aim down sight time; some guns will literally kill you in that amount of time.

modern warfare 2

But next in tier 2, we have the x10 black height, which hurts our aim down sight time by 114 milliseconds; that's still a lot of time added to that, and it only improves our range by one percent, which is essentially negligible; our velocity is improved by 15 percent, which is nice but probably not worth that massive aim down sight speed penalty; and finally, our recoil is also improved by seven percent, just like the previous suppressor.

Then in Tier 3, we have a grouping of suppressors here with Bruin Agent 90: the Harbinger D20, the ZLR Talon 5, and the Synguard Mark V, and these ones will hurt our aim down sight speed by 108 milliseconds. We get a 14 percent boost to our range, a 30 percent boost to our velocity, and a three percent boost to our recoil, and then finally for this section, we have tier 3, which includes the gauge 9 mono, the Talon 16, and the SA shallow down for 99.

Also read:

This one gives us a 98 millisecond penalty to our aimed outside time and only a five percent range boost, a 20 percent velocity boost, and finally a five percent reduction to our recoil when it comes to all of the suppressors on this particular page right here. I definitely wouldn't even consider them for most of the guns when it comes to 6 versus 6. If you're playing DMZ, Warzone, or maybe even ground war or something, sure, you may want to consider that, but for 6 v 6, these just harm our aim down sight time far too much.

Middle tiers

Middle tiers

So now let's move on to the second page here, and with our fifth tier, our aim-down sight time is reduced by 80 milliseconds, but this one reduces our ranges by 12 percent.

We still get a seven- to eight-percent boost to our recoil out of this no-effect of velocity, and then with tier 5, we get a 75-millisecond penalty to our aim-down sight time and a three-percent reduction to our range. 10 percent increase to velocity and 5 percent increase to recoil across the board for Tier 6, this one gives us a 71 millisecond penalty to aim down sight time and a five percent boost to our range.

Also read:

20 percent boost to our velocity and two to three percent boost to our recoil, and then finally for this page, we've got tier VII, which includes several of these suppressors: the X10RR40, the Echolus 80 D polar fire, and the Nilasound 90. This one hurts our aim down sight speed by 68 milliseconds, boosts our range by 14 yards, which is great considering this doesn't hurt our aim down sight speed nearly as much as the previous page, and we're also getting a 30 percent improvement to our velocity, which is also great.

The only downside here is that it doesn't help with our recoil at all, but honestly, if I'm looking to boost my range and velocity as much as possible with a suppressor. I'm most likely going to go with one of these attachments because, like I said, they just don't hurt our aim down sight speed nearly as much as the Tier 1 or Tier 2 attachments that we saw on the previous page, and I don't think that extra aim down sight time is really worth it for a little bit of extra recoil and control, but, finally, this leaves us with the last page of our suppressors for Tier 8.

Last tiers (fastest ads times)

Last tiers (fastest ads times)

This one is the Echoline GSX on some guns. It is worth noting that with this particular suppressor, there are basically two different versions of it there's the one that hurts our aim down sight, time by 40 milliseconds, hertz, and our range by 12 percent, and one that improves our recoil by about three to four percent.

The other version of this falls in Tier 10 here, where the only thing that happens is we get a 12 reduction to our range, but it doesn't affect our handling, our recoil, or our velocity at all. You can tell which one of these two it is just by looking at the pros and cons stated on it. So if it says that it hurts our aim-down sight time, then it's going to be that one in tier eight, and if it doesn't say that it hurts our aim-down sight time, then it's going to be the one in tier 10.

Modern Warfare II has a ton of different suppressors to choose from but the in game stats aren't even close to sufficient to help you make the right choice. Today, I wanted to share a full comparison of the suppressors so you can make better decisions when creating your setups.
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