News - Best New Schematic. Sergeants Beret. Warzone 2 Season 3 Reloaded



We're just going to test out a couple of the functions of the sergeant ber because it is the one that has the most potential of the three schematics that did launch with season 3 Reloaded. We're going to go ahead and get into this article. After a quick word from this article is a paid sponsor, messy modding.

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How it works

First things first, we know that this can make you invisible to mercenaries.

But how exactly does it work? So we go ahead and pop that Sergeant Beret right here, and you can see two black bars appear at the top and bottom of the screen, and everything just kind of darkens a little bit. This is how you know that it is active and that you are invisible to the mercenaries. If you do not have this distorted visual look on your screen, you are not going to be visible to the mercenaries, and you're not going to be disguised against them.

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I did read some things online that said that this only lasts about 5 minutes in the game, but your mercenary buddy will stay with you until then. But that being said, you can also lose this by getting hit by zombies, which I am going to demonstrate for you here shortly. As you can see, we will end up losing our sergeant's beret. As we're trying to get downed by some zombies so we can test out whether or not this thing will revive us or not in game , I'm playing this clip in ultra slow motion.

Testing it out

Testing it out

Here, we're trying to get downed by these zombies so we can test where they will revive us. Now watch our character. Here you will see that, as we're getting hit by these, we do pull off the mask before we get downed by the zombies.

That is important to note because now we no longer have the function of being invisible to the mercenaries. It does not last an entire match, and that has got to be the absolute biggest disappointment of this entire Season 3 Reloaded update. Although the schematics are relative trash to begin with, this, that's just if this is not even going to last an entire match, I mean honestly.

What good is it to you, really? You're really going to want some time now. We are going to go over and fight this warlord. As you can see, there are already people there, but you're really going to want a time when you use this thing. As you can see in this clip, we are getting shot at by mercenaries.

So we no longer have the effect; we lost it back when we pulled off the mask when we got hit by zombies, so timing is definitely going to be key when using this thing. Just also keep in mind that it very well may have a hard-set 5-minute timer to begin with. I cannot confirm that we didn't test it out here, and honestly, I don't think it's even that important to test it out.

You just know that you have to use it when you use it, and timing is key. Now we do go ahead and finish off this warlord. It is nice to have a companion with you that can revive you similar to the way the dog does, but that only leaves one more question for the sergeant B schematic, and that is what is the health of the companion that you get, so let's take it into the tier 3 zone and let's see how long this companion can last inside of the tier 3 zone and kind of what you can expect from that.



Okay, now we made it into the Tier 3 zone, so our goal here now is that we are just going to run around in some circles and we are going to round up some zombies. You see, we have Jeff here; he is our Sergeant's best companion for the game, and look how much health just ticked off of him with one swipe of the zombie.

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That's not very promising for this now. I do love to stay positive on this channel. I want everything to be positive. I want everybody to have a really good experience, and as he's down to half health already, I just can't help but be extremely disappointed right now. We know the dead wire detonators are basically useless, and the golden gas mask is almost useless in itself; it does refill almost instantaneously.


After you know you are headed outside of a stronghold or whatnot, in reality, how often do you really even need to use that? As you can see, our companion is dead already, and we're going to have to use our self-revival and then head on over to extract. So yeah, just a quick look at the Sergeant's Bear.

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We take a quick look at the most promising schematic of season 3 reloaded. The Sergeants Beret.
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