News - Best Meta Loadouts After Season 4 Reloaded Update Warzone 3

warzone 3 meta loadouts

So that's why it's kind of fringed there because it has that open bolt, DeLay. So sometimes that is going to slow down your overall TTK. If you don't know what open bolt delay is, it basically just means that when you first pull the trigger, there is a small delay for when that first bullet comes out, which in the WC 99's case is about 50 milliseconds.

Now if we look at the damage per mag chart the MCW really struggles here superi it's okay whereas some of these other guns like the wcp striker fjx they're much better here so trios and quads these guns will do better whereas a superi, can be a little bit tough in trios and quads it us has to be a better player and be able to get reloads off looking at the weighted ttk MCW is number one then Superior is close behind we can also do some cool things like this like add in other things like the aim down sight speed or Sprint of fire time into the equation when we do that the superi in wp9 really jump to the top and that's because they have much better handling so that's very important in close- range fights with an SMG, that's where the MCW kind of struggles here scrolling down here not going to bore you with all these stats just some things I want to point out superi.

warzone 3 season 4 reloaded update

Overall going to be the best rounded it has amazing mobility and handling and good ttk's recoil, wp9, though has much better damage per mag compared to spe and maybe as a pure sniper support might be a little bit better if you want to run it with a sniper like the kar98. The fjx horse with the skimmar kit the conversion kit is also a really good sniper support super low recoil a lot of damage for mag good range but the mobility and handling are really bad on it so not great if you're an ultra aggressive player Striker, another just all-rounded low read recoil it just kind of checks all your boxes it's good at everything not great at anything and then the MCW amp phenomenal ttks a great sign for support but it will struggle if you're fighting multiple people or if you're trying to get super aggressive with it up close All right so starting off with the number five best load out here a gun that I actually did not talk about this is the new reclaimer 18 shotgun which is basically the Spas 12, this gun is actually, really good it is consistently a two shot down at close range it's definitely requires some skill to use it's not just like a Cheesy full auto shotgun you have to kind of pump hit some movement hit the other pump but it is a ton of fun if you've got the skill so I would highly recommend unlocking and leveling this up all right so starting with our number five best Lo out a gun that we did not talk about already is the new reclaimer, 18 shotgun it's kind of hard to get stats for the shotguns here but this is basically the OG Spas 12 shotgun.

warzone best loadout

It is very, very good. It is consistently a two-shot down-up close. It's got some crazy good mobility, so if you've got the skill to kind of use some movement in your gunfights, this is a ton of fun in close range. For the build, I would highly recommend you run the no stock so it really speeds up the mobility.

warzone best loadouts

Then I'm running this as a tack stance build, so breu and basion angled grip and the stovl tack laser to make this a better T sance because the iron sights are horrible on this thing, and then the Bryson improv choke and the discourager, heavy barrel are going to give it a little more range, and then a good gun to pair that with, and also just a super underrated AR is the BP50.

This gun's got really good handling for an AR so it's great to pair with a shotgun it just struggles in a smaller magazine and a kind of a slower reload here but if you don't mind the iron sights this build is super low recoil and we can still get away with running a suppressor very easily, but we could very easily take this off throw on an opting like a jack glassless you want even lower recoil you could swap the suppressor for the casses or the Z personally I like the casses more coming in number four we've got the Striker, here a lot of different ways to set this up if you want something just low recoil incredibly easy to use this right here but honestly you don't really need the Z you could definitely get away with running suppressor.

warzone best loadouts after update

Iron sights are also quite solid on this, so you can add something like high grain to get even more range and bull-bull velocity from this. This is also a very underrated SMG, and then for the long range, we're going with the Hoger 26. There are a lot of different options, and this build right here is the absolute lowest recoil fully auto setup we can get, but if you want an iron sight or an optic.

I'm sorry, probably take off the Brewin heavy support. I would say throw on something like a jack glassless, maybe a Coro Eagle ey still. Very, very low recoil. You could also instead go something like high grain here to give it a little better range and bolt velocity. Great, great low recoil gun here.

warzone meta loadout

Coming at number three, we're going to have the fjx. Horus with the conversion kit the jack skimmar that kind of turns it into a lower recoil range type SMG because this convergent kit makes it handle a lot slower we need to kind of make up for that so dr6 hand stop the exf solar flare to really speed up our sprint of fire but not really have a visible laser then the Ripper light stock to help our mobility The optics or the iron sights are not really too bad on this gun you could run it if you want to, but personally I prefer not to and run something like the PS, tack grip for a much faster sprint of fire I know it's weird not to run a muzzle, but you don't really need to because it's so low recoil, but you feel free to run like a suppressor or a Zam if needed, and then for the long range, we're going to run the s VA 545, but in burst mode here this gun has literally no recoil, so this is me controlling it, not pulling down at all.

If I toggle to burst mode, this is me not pulling down at all; I'm just bursting the gun as fast as I can; it does not move; it has no recoil. So because of that, we don't need to add a bunch of recoil attachments here. So basically, we're just trying to maximize the range of the bull velocity with these three attachments here, the big 60-round mag, and then you can either go Coro or jet glassless, whichever you prefer for optics.

warzone season 4 reloaded

Coming in at number two, we are going to have the WSP 9 as an SMG. There are a lot of different ways we can run this here. This is a very low recoil setup, and this is probably better to pair as like a sniper support style, but if you want it to be a little bit more mobble, swap this Classics Factory stock for the short, light barrel.

And then you might want to run the Zen for better recoil; this right here has great mobility but still has very solid range; or run that first setup if you're going to pair with a sniper; and then the MTZ 556 is going to be our pretty much best overall assault rifle, especially for Resurgence; here they buff the bolt velocity, so we can just really focus on building this for really low recoil.

Call of Duty Warzone Season 4 Reloaded is FINALLY HERE and TCaptainX has the TOP LOADOUTS for Warzone Season 4 Reloaded. With the Warzone 3 Season update and patch notes, there were a TON of nerfs and buffs to some of the best weapons in Warzone. Now there's a NEW meta for assault rifles, SMG's and snipers for Warzone Season 4 Reloaded.
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