News - A New Meta Smg For Warzone 2 Competitive. Best Vel-46 Ranked Play Setup

modern warfare 2

Updates there was one gun in particular that got quite a nice buff, and this was the Vel 46. In fact, the buffs that we saw to this were enough to start considering using the valve 46 in ranked play, and as a result.

Updated vaznev build

Updated vaznev build

I decided I wanted to put together a ranked vel46 loadout and I wanted to compare it directly to the vasnev, 9k loadout that's basically the same loadout that everyone's using with one minor update here, and that is the Commando grip over the FSS shark fin.

The reason behind this is that all of the underbarrel grips got a significant reduction to their aim down sight speed, so now, while it's still fine to use the shark fin. I actually recommend using the commando grip on the Vasnav 9K for ranked play.

Vel-46 ranked build

In either case, this is the Vasnav setup I will be comparing to for the rest of this article, and this right here is the new vel46, rank loadout that I've optimized and put together obviously.

If you want, you could make some adjustments to suit you better, but I did spend quite a bit of time mixing and matching various attachments, and this just seemed to give me the optimal results overall, so with this, we're using the spiral V-3.5 flash hider and the edge 47 grip, both of which also got significant results.

Buffs to their aim-down sight penalty make it not nearly as punishing as the 30 round mag, which also got a big buff with the Season 2 Reloaded updates, so it helps a lot with our handling and mobility stats as well as our reload speed. I got the Schlager soldier grip, which is going to help with aim down sight and sprint out time, and then finally the demo rxt stock, which helps a little bit with aim down sight time but primarily with our sprint movement speed to get around the map a lot more efficiently now. I will say if you feel like 30 rounds isn't enough due to the high fire rate of this gun you could just drop that magazine attachment and stick with the standard 40-round mag, but the main purpose behind this setup is to be more mobile and snappier than the typical vasnav setup for ranked play, so let's dive into the comparison of our handling and mobility stats, and when it comes to our aim down sight time, the vel46.

Handling comparison

Handling comparison

Build is going to be noticeably faster at 221, that's a very snappy aim down sight time, so generally speaking, you'll be able to get on target and accurate before the vasnev. Then for our sprint out times, they're identical for both these builds and insanely fast at 94 milliseconds. Our reloading time with the VEL-46 is noticeably faster than the VAS-V, and that's one of the reasons I don't mind using a 30-round magazine because you can reload it very quickly.

Mobility comparison

Then let's get into our movement speeds, which, as we can see, our base movement speed and our sprint movement speed are both noticeable and faster than the Vasnav, so you'll be able to get around the map very effectively with the vel46 and get to those positions just a little bit faster than the Vasnav people.

Bullet velocity comparison

Due to the stock attachment that the vasnav has access to, it does have a noticeably better aim-walking movement speed or stray speed in a gunfight, so that is one area where the vasnev still has the upper hand over the vel46 , and then finally, when it comes to muzzle velocity, it's identical between both of these at 540 meters per second, so far, handling and mobility-wise, it's pretty clear that the vel46 comes out on top here outside of that strafing ability while aiming down sight, As for the next thing I wanted to compare between these guns, this is just the rate of fire.

Rate of fire comparison

Rate of fire comparison

With the Vel 46, our rate of fire is very fast at 952 rounds per minute, whereas with the vastness 9K, it's 779 rounds per minute. And the main thing I wanted to point out here is just forgiveness for any sort of missed shot. If you miss a bullet with the vasnif 9K, your time to kill potential is going to increase more than it will with a missed shot with the vel46 simply because the next bullet is going to be coming out a lot faster with the vel46, and as a result, that's yet another area where the valve does have an advantage over the vasnav, but of course, you do have to also factor in that you will be burning through magazines and ammo quite a bit faster with that vel46.

Range/ttk comparison

Next i want to look at a range in time to kill comparison between these, and this is an area where the vasnav is better than the vel46, especially within 0 to 10 meters, assuming you're hitting your torso shots effectively with both guns. The vasnav is going to be noticeably better. Faster now, for realistic situations, you may want to factor in the faster handling stats of the Bell 46, like if you come face to face and neither of you are pre-aimed and you both start aiming downward at the same time.

Well, now our practical time to kill values are nearly identical between both of these guns due to the noticeably faster aim down sight time with the VEL-46. Advantage: all of the areas in blue are where the vasnev, technically, has a faster time to kill, whereas all the areas in green are when the vel46 has a better time to kill potential, and since these are SMGs, you're typically keeping yourself up close and personal. Technically speaking, the Vasnav is still on top when it comes to time to kill in most of the situations you should find yourself in with an SMG.

Recoil comparison

Recoil comparison

But then, when it comes to our comparison here, recoil is another very important factor to be looking at between these two builds, and as we can see here, it's pretty clear that the Vel has way more vertical recoil.

A big thing is that there's not much horizontal deviation with the vel46, compared to the vasna. The vasnav kicks up and quite a bit to the right, and while doing so, it also bounces around side-to-side a fair amount, whereas the vel46 kicks basically just straight upwards. There's a little bit of a zigzag as it kicks straight vertically, but there's not much deviation there, and as a result, while there isn't a massive discrepancy for me.

I definitely feel more comfortable controlling The vel46 has less recoil compared to the vasnav, and that means if I am stretching my range out just a little bit if I want to take a mid-range gunfight for instance. I'd definitely take this vel46.

Is it the new meta smg?

modern warfare ii

Build over the Vasnav build, and with that, that is going to wrap it up for the important stats that I wanted to compare between the vel46 and the Vasnav 9k as well.

For my thoughts on this, do I think the vel46 is now the new meta SMG and it's going to replace the Vasnan 9K? No quite simply, the vasnav is still going to excel from 0 to 10 meters. It does have a faster time to kill if you're hip firing into aiming down sight, or if you're playing it smart and you manage to get pre-aimed before the enemy comes into your sight, you're still getting that time to kill.

The Vel-46 was recently buffed in MWII and today I wanted to explore the viability of this gun in RankedCompetitive play while sharing an opitimized build and comparing it directly to the Vaznev 9k.
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