News - White Lotus Faction Tier 3 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 Dmz (dmz Tips & Tricks)

Part two is not going to be quite as easy; you're going to need to deliver 10 emergency rations to the dumpster. Dead Drop Northeast is at the cemetery as well, so the same Dead Drop you're going to need to go and scavenge around the map for—I know you've seen these emergency rations up to this point, but you just never really picked them up.

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Now's going to be the time to grab them. I was able to find quite a few in a single run, however. I did have to look through quite a few buildings. I found that any of the kitchens and looking inside refrigerators were my best bet at finding these, and the last part is going to be a little tricky.

It's definitely going to help to have teammates; it's expecting you to extract with five self-revives now. I definitely recommend that if you have one equipped, you stow it before you actually extract because that's the only way it's really going to count, so you're going to want to have five sulfur vapors in your backpack upon extraction.

Now, the best way to acquire these is to get lucky enough to find them, but I don't like going that route, so it's better to actually get yourself some money, get your teammates some money, and then you guys meet up at a buy-or-sell. Move from buy to buy until you find the right one that has these sulfur vibes; you don't want to purchase enough self-revives.

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Whether you need three more, four more, or all five, make those purchases and make sure they're all in your bag. I'm going to go to the local or closest X-fill that you can, and you're going to want to get out as soon as possible.



Next up, we have Unearthed; this one is going to be a three-parter as well, and part one is asking you to acquire and keep the crane control room in Al Safa quarry now. Up to this point, these are all RNG-bound. Keys can be kind of tricky; I was fortunate enough to actually find one, but if you are struggling to get the luck to find it, there's great news: one of the black moths.

I can't remember if it's tier three or tier four, will actually give you this as a reward, so you might have to save this for later in the future when you actually acquire that key. Once you have the key, all you're going to do is load the map with it, and this part will be completed. Part two is asking you to unlock the crane's building base.

faction mission guide dmz

I'll of course show the location on the map of where this crane building is, but it is in the quarry, and you will obviously just go up to it with the key once you have it and unlock the door. Part two is now complete, and part three is where this gets a bit more challenging; it's expecting you to extract the Quarry operations folder in the crane control room, so once you get in the control room, you're going to find that operations folder, you're going to put it into your backpack, and then you and your squad are going to have to x-fill safely.

Of course, it helps to be with the squad because then they can help defend you, and at least if you get out, this will count and you will get this part completed.



and For our last and final mission, we have Pathfinder. This one is going to be a three-parter, and easily the most difficult in the entire tier if you ask me are the ones asking you to loot the GPS tracker from the dumpster Dead Drop near the Syed City mall. So if you guys are unfamiliar with where that location is, of course I will show you, but it's on the back side of the mall.

We're going to open that dumpster, and there will be a GPS tracker, which you're going to loot once you've done that. Once part one is completed, part two is where things get a bit more challenging. In a single deployment, there are 17 total POI, and yes, you will have to go to all of them in order for this to actually be done.

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There are a couple ways that you can actually go about this one: Is it finding a heavy armored vehicle or an LTB? That's where the teammates are really, really handy. Now there's a second way you can do it, which is what I recommend, but it can be more difficult to acquire what you need. You're going to be taking the helicopter.

If you can acquire the helicopter, you will be able to move across the map very quickly. You'll have to go and stop for gas a ton of times, and you'll be able to do this probably the easiest possible way because it will overall help you avoid being shot at, or at least as much as possible. So, if you were able to get the helicopter, you're just going to obviously fly around the map in some sort of sequence.

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Once you've visited all of the locations with the GPS tracker, this part will be complete, and now the last and final part is going to be to extract the data with the GPS tracker. This can be a little scary because once you've visited all 17 points, you've pretty much been asking for the entire match, but you're going to want to go to the closest or safest-looking X-fill spot and you're going to want to try to X-filtrate there. You could always take the strategy of completing one of those hostage rescues because then you can actually X Bill and stealth, but once you've expelled safely with the GPS tracker, this final part will be completed.



Now that you have finished Pathfinder, you will have completed the final Tier 3 challenge, allowing you to move on to Tier 4 of the White Lotus faction.

That's going to wrap things up for us here. We covered each and every one of the missions along the way. I look forward to seeing you all at the next

White Lotus Faction Tier 3 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 DMZ DMZ Tips Tricks. In this video I bring you a guide for each of the tier 3 missions for the White Lotus faction. After completing these you will unlock tier 4 for White Lotus which will be covered in a future video.
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