News - Warzone: Top 5 Best Meta Loadouts To Use. Warzone Best Weapons

Like I said, I find this to be pretty easy to use, especially in close-range fights. I did upgrade to the 40-round mag here. You could try getting by with 30 and, you know, maybe going for a laser for a snappier or ads, or if you need an optic, go for that, but to me, 40 works just fine for trios and quads.

meta loadouts

You could even upgrade to 50 if you wanted to; there's not a huge difference in penalties, but 50 is a little bit slower, so just keep that in mind. If you want to upgrade to that, I do go for the vice assault rear grip; this helps out with recoil control; it only hurts sway. That's irrelevant in the situations we're going to be using this in, then I go for the fa tactical stock; this helps out with general movement here; it does hurt your recoil a bit, but we kind of gained that back with the vice grip already, and like I said, pretty easy pattern here, so for close-range fights, this is going to be fantastic.

Warzone best katt amr & mtz 556 loadout

Warzone best katt amr & mtz 556 loadout

Now Loadout 2 is actually my sniper Loadout, and the cat is the one sniper that's got that one-shot capability. No matter what you're running so this thing you can build this thing out to be a long-distance sniper. You could build it out to be an aggressive sniper, and it can and will one-shot knock if you're hitting those you know are required parts of the body, depending on what their armor situation is like, but this can get you that full-hit kill through full armor, and I pair this with the MTZ, 556.

modern warfare 3 best loadout

As a rifle meant for Sniper support that's actually pretty aggressive All Things Considered so we'll talk about this one first real quick I am using the reflector or the ELO side in this case not too huge on the irons so I do like to have this on there it works great for close and mid-range fights 50 round drum you're going to want on here this fire pretty fast 30 runs out very quickly so having that safety net is definitely, much appreciated, in a lot of fights choke angled grip here yet again because it's helping out with movement and control so that's perfect for Sniper support the weapon becomes easier to use, and more aggressive you can't ask for much more there now I'm not using a suppressor in this case mainly because I do want a bit more recoil, control on this weapon there is a bit of side to side bounce and there obviously is vertical because that's on every single gun so I just want to make this feel a little bit more consistent I do go for flash hider because it helps out the vertical and horizontal.


Alongside basic gun kick, and it's only an 8% increase in ad speed, that said, if you wanted to use a suppressor, you could just note that you're going to be either sacrificing, you know, ad speed here and there, as some of these do sprint to fire strafe speed, some of them are going to hurt your recoil control, others might hurt your range, so to me, the payoffs there maybe outside of Shadow strike were not really all that worth it, but I did want to have extra control, which obviously Shadow strike's not doing, so I do go for flash hider there, then I've got the three 568.

Barrel, this is an aggressive Barrel better ad in Sprint of Fire, and it really doesn't hurt your control all that much, 3%, 3.3%. That's not bad at all, so it keeps it aggressive, keeps it snappy, and doesn't really hinder the weapon all that much, so definitely a solid sniper support option. As far as the cat goes, I wanted to make this as hit-scan-like as possible, so that's why I opted for the Sonic suppressor XL.

This is going to give you a 12–almost 133% increase in velocity, which you know is pretty solid. Now there is the Nightfall suppressor XL, which is a 23% increase, but it's also going to hurt your ad speed a ton more—almost 9%. Here sonic is not doing anything to that, so I felt like I could get by with the slightly worse velocity for a better and faster ad speed.

mw3 best loadout

Option here because I'd rather not spend half the match just trying to ads one time I also go for the Zang 34 barrel this helps out velocity and range yet again so almost 18% increase to Velocity, and then I go for the High grain rounds this again help out with 15% velocity The Recoil doesn't really matter and the range doesn't really matter because we're just going for the one shot so we're trying to just give this the best velocity possible you can see we're just over a thousand on that so that's pretty solid for a sniper that's going to one hit it's going to be very easy to you know bullet lead and adjust, off of that and then for the rest of the setup I do go for some speed I go for the quick bolt which is just behind the face cam this helps out with rechambering speed so you can shoot back to back to back a little bit faster I just don't like how the cat feels without this honestly and then I go for the lightweight rubberized.

Warzone best bruen mk9 & wsp swarm loadout

Warzone best bruen mk9 & wsp swarm loadout

Whether you're trying to treat yourself this holiday season or pick up something for some friends or some family members, we've got you covered with a little bit of something for everyone. Whether you're trying to restock on your favorite flavors, maybe try something new. They got the tubs, the starter kits, and even just some straight-up Shaker cups if you're looking to grab a new one of those.

Loadout three, I've got the bruan, which feels just like MW 2019 in War Zone One alongside the Swarm. This thing's just a beast of a super close range gun, really fast, really snappy, really aggressive, and is going to have a quick ttk inside of buildings and super up close right as far as the Brewing goes low recoil, fast ttk.


Pretty good movement, especially with this build-on there for this being an LMG, so I went for the reflector optic here if you wanted to use the eagle eye; if you wanted to use slate or something else again, feel free to do so. 60-round mag dropped this down, so it's making it more aggressive and snappy.

Really, it feels like an assault rifle in an LMG's body. We got the choke-angled grip yet again just because it's super solid for wanting to have an aggressive and easy-to-control build. I've got the spirit fire suppressor in this case, which is going to hurt with 12%. Roughly ads speed, again mid to long-range guns aren't really caring all that much about ad speed, but we get better control for both directions and slightly better velocity and slightly better range, so that's pretty solid overall there.

Then I went for the Horizon Barrel; this helps out with control, and velocity doesn't do too much for the range, but it's also not killing your movement either, so it keeps it easy to use, and of course that's what matters most over long range. If you can extend that damage range, that's awesome, but if you're going to miss your shots in that damage range, that's irrelevant, so this keeps it straightforward.

warzone 3

It's a laser beam and it's a powerhouse at the same time, and then for these swarms here, I'm just focused on the close range capabilities here, making it a bit more aggressive. There is a lot of balance in this thing, especially with the iron sight, so I do go for the pendulum and compensator, just like in multiplayer.

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