News - Warzone. The New Close Range Meta Update. Best Weapons After Update

after update

Ladies and gentlemen Boys and NES, welcome back once again to the war zone, and you guys are on fire. You've been absolutely blowing up the last couple of articles, and I cannot thank you enough. I love you. You are the best. Just keep doing what you're doing. One caveat before we get into these close-range builds that are absolutely The Meta I am still on my laptop, waiting for that graphics card to go into the PC.

By the next article, it should be taken care of, and we'll be back to daily posts. However, for this article, I once again did a random fill with trios, so I have two random teammates I just follow around like a lost puppy, and it's kind of sad, but it's content for the back roll. Let's get into this again, like subscribe.

Comment on all that. Jazz, and at number 10, we're going to start with a Modern Warfare 2 Banger, and its time on top is back because it is back in the meta, and that is the Vel 46, or MP7. You can absolutely use this as sniper support as well, though I would build it slightly differently for that.

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I'll be covering snipers and sniper support very soon, but for this build, we're going to use the ECS request, suppressor, because it's the best suppressor for submachine guns in the game. We get aim-down sight speed and aim stability, as well as fully suppressing our gun, the DR6 hand stop, because it's the DR6 hand stop.


Y'all already know the 50-round mag because it's just the best option. You can go to the 60 if you want to you got to remember how bad those larger magazines hurt the Modern Warfare 2 Guns so if you need the extra 10 Rounds go for it just remember it's going to move like you're carrying an lmg, we're then going to throw in the zlr combat grip as the rear grip for our recoil control this is going to make sure we can hit our shots that 25 M range and push it to the absolute ceiling of what we need we're then going to throw on the demo rxt stock to get our movement speed and a little bit of ads spe that movement speed that we lost the magazine, by the way for an absolute Banger and smang.

Of a gun build, the MP7 is absolutely back in its prime. I'm loving it. I actually won a game with it yesterday with 45 FPS. I got 13 kills. I believe eight were with this thing, and then next up at number nine, sticking with Modern Warfare 2, but moving over to a short barreled rifle in the assault rifle category, we've got the m113 c or m113.

best weapons

Charlie This gun still hits like a dump truck; it never stopped, but with the recent changes, they buffed this, I think, in season 2. 5, or maybe in season 3, I don't remember, and with the Nerfs to other guns, it is an absolute demon. Again, one thing I have noticed recently is that I actually went back and checked.

This gun used to have a 60-round mag, but it does not anymore, so we're going to use the 45-round mag instead. I thought I had been there for a second, but no, I was right. They just took it away and brought back the 60 mag for the M13 C. For the build, we're going to start with the Z35, compensator, so we can get a little bit of that recoil control, stay off the mini map as much as possible, the r six hand stop, you already know, then we're going to use the Chimera.

close range meta

R Y L. 33, laser light. I don't know why I had so much trouble with that for those ads and Sprint to fire all the good stuff that is on this laser. We're going to use the Brewing Flash V4 stock to get our movement speed up and a little bit of that ad, and then again, 45-round mags because they stole my 60-round mags, and I'm mad about it.

Boys M13 C, absolute Banger Just remember, if you're using this and it's not sniper support, you're probably going to run a little low on Ammo doing double AR freaking way she goes boys. I'll have some dmrs in the upcoming article that you can run in front of it too, and number eight, we're still in Modern Warfare 2 because there's one more I got to talk about, and that is the good old locky sub, the Lochman sub, the MP5.


Whatever you want to call it, this thing has been back in the meta for about 3 months now and it absolutely slaps, this one is on par with the HRM 9 right now they have almost identical time to kills and this one is absolutely, destroying that slightly slower fire rate makes it to where you can fire for longer and do the same amount of DPS, once again ECS requer because it's the best muzzle for SMGs, in the game the R6 hand stop as always on our close range 50 round drum because it's the largest option we have you can go at the 40 in solos, but I wouldn't even go to 40 in duos.

It's just that it gets sketchy. We're going to throw in the lockman tcg1. Rear grip for our recoil control, then we're going to throw on the Ft Mobile stock to increase our movement speed and get a little bit of aim-down sight, but this stock also gives 18%. Range It is in the code of the game, and it has been there all of last year and all of this year.

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I don't think they're ever going to fix it, but it is there. I promise you, if you throw this on, you will feel a difference in the gun and its DPS. At range, this thing will kill out to about 22 m with ease. Give it a shot. If you haven't lately, the MP5 is back; it only went away for a short amount of time, and next up, like I said, the MP5 was on par with the HRM 9, so let's talk HRM 9.

meta update

The HRM 9 is still absolutely in The Meta, though it has fallen from Grace just a bit. That's why we got it at number seven once again, starting with that ECS request suppressor that best muzzle in the game bar. For SMGs, we're going to use the thorn 90 barrel because we don't need all of the range that this gun has due to our velocity, so we Chuck this on here to get our speed up and our mobility up, then throw the dr6.

Because that's the attachment we throw on everything; it's just so good. Nothing compares to the DR6. On an SMG 50-round drum, once again the largest option, we actually use the folding stock as our recoil control mechanism. On this gun, the HRM 9 is still a banger. I know a lot of people are using it.


If you haven't tried this exact build, give it a go. You can also run the long barrel in the sniper support role instead of using the thorn 90. Use the long barrel, and it's an absolutely Banger sniper support option, and then at number six, we got to talk about our other 300 Blackout rifle that is on this list, and the only reason it's so low is because of its sprint-out time and the fact that you're probably going to have a double AR conundrum if you're using this behind an AR.

You can absolutely use this in Sniper Support even with this build, though I will have a Sniper Support build in a couple of days in that article talk about the MCW. With the Jack Raven conversion kit, the 300 Blackout is the fastest ttk gun in the game, minus one shot sniper. For the builds, we're going to use the integrally suppressed Silent Shot Barrel.

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