News - Top 5 Ashika Island Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts


So getting straight into it, you guys already see the first gun on the list we have is the Vasnav, 9K. Now, this gun did receive a small buff, but it's still the best SMG in the game, especially after defendant got nerfed into the ground on Ashika Island. You guys definitely want to be using the Vazdev, and I can't get enough of all that talking.

I miss you guys. This gun definitely needs it, and depending on that, we have an adsb that is negative 0.46. And then the gun can control at plus 0.17. The next attachment we have is the f-tac grimline laser, which gives you hip recoil control hit by axial longer through Sprint Two Fire speed sprinting.

We have the ad speed at negative 0.42, and then you spread the five speed at negative 0.15. We have the best stock, which gives you aim walking speed along with your sprint speed, and then tuning on that, we have the 8 speed at -2.71, and then the aim lock speed at -1.32. Man, the best SMG is in the game right now.

Make sure you guys go ahead and take a screenshot. So the next gun we got up on the list is arguably the best long-range gun right now, especially on a Sega Island in Module if you guys are still playing that. We have the HCR56, the Nerf, and the RPK in the ground, and this is the next long-range gun, the LMG.


The best that we have is the phase three grip, which is that it gives you your email addressability to hit fire actually along the recoil, the 20 on that we have the adsb that is negative 0.13, and then the aiming artist ability at a plus 0.10 start. You have plus 0.38 and then your bullet velocity at plus 3.77 seconds around is the VOC lzr7w laser, which gives you an adsp of negative Amy stability and a long distance rental fire speed, which is key on this gun because this gun is an LNG and it does have a slow 80s, so this does help with that.

The very last section is optional, but I ran the optic, the Corvus Sol76, which I personally love. Man, the Tony on that is that we have the close app plus 0.31 and then the ads speed at negative 0.87. Man, an absolute dominant long-range weapon, the god gun of season two, with a girl to take a screenshot.

ashika island

Man, now next game we got up on the list, man. The tuning on that is that we have the adsp at negative 0.59, and then you put velocity at plus 0.43. Second attach around is the best barrel, the igk34 six-millimeter barrel, which gives you regular control along with your bullet velocity for the Tony on that we have the RICO 7 instead plus 0.16, and then the area speed at negative 0.08.

It's a longer-term goal for walking steadiness. The tuning on that, we have the left side in the middle because we don't need either or, and then we have the ads speed and negative 0.10, man, I am absolutely crazy about this gun. The next section we have allowed attachment to is the 40-round magazine extender.

I'm, of course, definitely going to need this because it doesn't run out of ammunition very quickly at any time. The very last section around is the aim of the V4 sight, which I personally love the tuning on because we have the 88 speed and negative 1.55, and in close at plus 0.29, man, definitely good for short runs, but I'm going to take a screenshot now and keep it stacked for the next game we get up to.

ashika island 2

The lockman, sub, this is definitely going to be one of the best SMGs, top three for sure, especially after the defending Nerf. It already was in the top three, probably the second best in the game before the Fennec, and now after the Finnick, it probably is the best SMG2, running along with the Vasnab man.

So enough at all; I was talking sh*t, guys. The tuning on that is that we have the ad speed at -0.45 and the build velocity at +0.42. Second attachment is the underbelly, the Merc 4 grip, which gives you a hipfire axis recoil of 7, and so long as you have hip recoil control in your aim walk speed, the Tony on that, we have the hip walk speed at negative 0.21 because this thing has great hip fire accuracy, and then the adsb that is negative 0.08, 30 touches.

Iran is the nine millimeter overpressured ammunition, which basically gives your target a finish. It's also amazing on my pistols, and it's also amazing on my SMGs, especially the Sony, on which we have the damage range at plus 0.25 and the bullet velocity at plus 3.77. The two shots that are going to run out of this thing were actually received.

ashika island best class setup

I talk to you guys. With the tuning that we have, we have the 80s speed at -0.45 and the bullet velocity at +0.48. The best barrel we have is the 18-inch T300 barrel, which gives you recoil-controlled hip fire. Rico controls longer bullet velocities. The turning point is that we have the 88 speed at negative zero, the ambulance speed at negative 0.23, and then we have the damage range at plus 0.23.

The last attachment, which is optional, is the VLK4-times optic. You know it's optional. The vok back from you know was on one; we have the 80s speed that is negative 0.77, and then the close is at plus 0.50 at any very last tattoo he ran is the F-tech. The Valor stock, which is the best stock and gives Amy's ability along with the recoil control, does not move with this stock.

ashika island best loadout

For the tuning on that, we have the ad speed and a negative 1.94, and then the aiming item stability at plus 0.93. The DMR meta is definitely back, so run it while you can before they nerf it, but I'll go take a screenshot. Man, now I hate to say it, but they did not nerf the PA 90s; they did nerf the X13s, the best pistols in the game in season one.

Now that we're in season two with the P890s, it will definitely be the close-range metaphor pistols. Man, it's absolutely crazy, so enough with all that talk; let me show you guys the best setup. So for the first test, if you guys want to run, the best muzzle is the Ft. Still Fire muzzle, which gives you a sound suppression velocity damage range along with the recoil smoothness.

The tuning on that has the 80s speed at negative 0.86 and the bullet velocity at plus 0.58. For the trigger action, we have the Bruin mg80 trigger, which gives your aiming out of stability along with your fire rate depending on that, the adsv that is negative 0.09, and the sprint five speed at negative 0.05.

ashika island gameplay

Without attaching around is the one milliwatt pistol laser, which gives you a hip regulator (longer hip fire, actually), and your sprint five speed, which is key on both SMGs and pistols, and any close range gun in the game. Check it out. Saturn is the 12th part of our own bag, which is the extender.

I'm of course definitely wanting to say, especially if you're going up against a full team of four, the very last touching around is the most broken thing on this pistol, the Kimbo p890. But yeah, this is the best setup, man.

the BEST META CLASS SETUPS in WARZONE 2! WARZONE META LOADOUTS - Warzone 2 Modern Warfare 2 Season 2.
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