News - Warzone: The Best Meta Loadout For Every Weapon. Warzone Best Setups

The best loadout for every weapon in warzone

The best loadout for every weapon in warzone

Now let's talk weapons in specific, and for this, we actually have to head out of the game and over to my war zone. Loadout slod. Munity page, where now that we've had plenty of time to go through and test things and figure out all the base stats thanks to true game data and whatnot.

I've gone through, and as you can see. I've got quite a few load-out builds on this page; in fact. I've got load-outs for every single weapon in war zone. I've also done the same for Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer if you're interested in that, but for War Zone 110, loadouts across the board for MW2, and obviously, MW3.


So we can scroll for quite some time here and you're going to see every gun in the game's got its optimal setup so you can actually go through here and this is something that I will continuously, update over time you know say the fenic 45 which we've already seen get nerfed earlier on this year changes to set up some we can go through and I can say okay I need to you know delete let's say the flash hider muzzle and I need to throw on something else say we want to use like a spirit fire suppressor or something or a shadow strike I can quickly go through, and put that on there and update the setup as needed and then go through and it'll update right away for you guys to see which is super convenient But obviously, you know the meta evolves over time constantly.

The Ram 7 is a fantastic rifle, but let's say it gets hard-nerfed, and then suddenly, the MTZ 556. Becomes great or the MCW gets a buff, which it probably is due to considering its ttk is so bad compared to all the other rifles. You know suddenly that you fall into the meta. You're like, well, I've been using the ram.

mw3 meta

I had a good setup for that. Now I have to figure out what's going on at the MCW. Obviously, we're going to be updating the meta in specific articles, breaking down, you know, the new best rifles, the new long-range meta, or the new general top 10, whatever the case may be. You know, from time to time when we see meta updates, but if you quickly want to go through and see okay, maybe for now this is what's considered to go to MCW setup.


This will be readily available for you right away. You can also sort by category here, which is super cool if you're only looking for SMGs. We got all these listed out here obviously nice and convenient including all the MW2, ones and the MW3 ones but you could also go through and filter for play style as well so if you're looking for Sniper support style builds that I've made specifically for this style of play you've got this readily available obviously guns like the Chimera and the advancer are fantastic, for Sniper support in this game so you can go through and quickly select those if you're looking for something that is just straight up a sniper here obviously the cat AMR being a one shot we've got that fully updated, as well you've got your long range built out you've got your close range built out like I said regardless of your play style what guns you're you know favoring whether it's always SMGs or always shies whatever the case may be I've gone through data tested these looked at all the advanced stats compared the ttks.

Also, there is an app for the App Store, the Android Store, Google Play, and whatnot, so you can download it on your phone and have this readily available to quickly translate. Into your game play, so rather than you know spamming, setup every single day when there's a new update or as things change over time, this is a nice little hub that I'll try my best to keep up to date on top of these standard usual meta breakdown articles, as well, so that's going to wrap things up.

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