News - Warzone: New Top 10 Best Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Best Setups

meta loadouts 2

I go for the F-tax. Siege is just a pocket SMG, of course, and it's great for underwater battles. It's great for close range, too. It's not on the level of an SMG, but it's the closest pistol you'll have there. Go for the 72-round drum, because why not 50? It's just as practical, though maybe a bit more practical, honestly: the Sir 160 rear grip for ads and Sprint to fire the siege stock for better control, just to keep it a little bit more consistent.

The diode laser is the equivalent of seven milliwatts, or the Olay, then the CMRN. 50 barrels, better control, better velocity The Velo there is pretty big because underwater that kills your velocity, so that helps out a lot in those fights, specifically a pretty standard pistol setup, but for a secondary it definitely works.

Warzone best signal 50 & mp5 sniper support loadout

Warzone best signal 50 & mp5 sniper support loadout

Then lastly i got another sniper setup, and this is actually my main go-to loadout for ranked on the dedicated sniper in my squad, and I love the signal for ranks because obviously it's not banned, and even in pubs it works well because you can spam it and get those consistent.

Two shots if you're super accurate, and I pair that with my new Lockman sniper support build, and we'll get to that in just a moment. We talked about this in that nine million high, low update article the other day, but for ranked, and even you could use this in pubs if you wanted to. I go for the Schlogger Knight view optic because this can see enemies through smoke who aren't cold-blooded.

modern warfare 2

Seven round mag just so you can keep spamming High Velocity obviously so it feels more like hit skin there's no explosive here I mean there is but it's not going to one shot because it's not bolt action so no point in running that the Cobra suppressor here better velocity, then also the kilo barrel better velocity as well so this thing is going to be great for super long range sniping and even though it can't one shot because you can spam it's nice and aggressive then the sniper support MP5, like I said features that nine mil High Velocity so in the mid-range it feels a lot more consistent which I like to see I go for the 40 rounding cinemag TCG 10 rear grip yet again 7mw.

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