News - Warzone 2 Takes No Mechanical Skill


So Warzone 2 has been out for a little while now, and I am quickly learning they do not want you to play this Call of Duty like a lot of the past public Call of Duty games; they really have tried to transform this game into more of a tactical, slow-paced shooter. You can definitely still play aggressively in this game, but you have to do so without irony.

Adapt, Due to the game's pace, you can't just run in and abuse movement to completely wipe a squad. You really have to slow down and play it like other FPS games, where being more patient and having better positioning just gives you so much more of an advantage that if you get caught out and you are in a bad position, you are just screwed ninety percent of the time.

There are some things in the game that can get you out of some shitty situations, like, for example, the Dual Pistols, which right now are so stupidly broken that you actually have basically just a second chance because they can just two-shot people instantly, but for the most part, having crazy movement or insane aim doesn't matter a whole lot in this game when you die in half a frame, and if you're in a bad position, you can't really get out of it.

modern warfare

If you watched my last article, there's not really any useful movement in this game apart from dolphin diving, which can be useful just to get away. There's not really any movement to play aggressively. Cod 4 on the PC had a mod called Pro Mod, which made the game way more competitive and, I guess, tactical; it was kind of like Counter-Strike.

In this game, what you do most of the time is just walk around. Unfortunately, there's not much of an aim curve in this game either. Auto-rotational aim assist has been increasing in strength through the years and the different iterations of Call of Duty to the point where it's taking away a lot of that learning experience you'd get on like a mouse.

He could run out to their side and aim, assist is just Amos, this is just so quick like nowadays in COD, like they took out so much of the skill of aiming with the controller with Dynamic Aim Assist that it's actually like nothing, you don't even have to aim anymore, like not even trolling, it's like so easy to shoot nowadays compared to back then.

modern warfare 2

Not to mention that it was pointed out that this Call of Duty has actually reverted back to having random recoil in war zones once there were set base recoil patterns that you could learn on the mouse. I guess you could technically do it on a controller, but I feel like it'd be nearly impossible to mirror the recoil patterns on a joystick, so it's gone back to being random, but then of course there's added visual recoil, which you cannot control at all with skill and have to use attachments for.

So at this point, the only really, really big mechanical skill I see with the game is reaction time, which, like I said before, is really important in this game because of the time to kill, but that's also why playing slower and more tactically is better because if you get to jump on somebody, you're way more likely to kill them because you can't abuse any kind of movement or anything in order to get out of that shaky situation.

modern warfare ii

Now, that doesn't mean you have to sit in a corner and do nothing the whole game. I've just noticed that if I want to consistently do well in this game, I actually have to think a situation out and realize if I'm in a bad situation and should just leave and reposition. and get into a better spot where I have an advantage over whoever I'm fighting at this point.

I'm not even really treating it like Call of Duty apart from maybe Pro Mod, but Pro Mod was a competitive, slow, tactical shooter like Counter-Strike or Valorant, and I think when you start treating it like that, it is actually a lot more enjoyable. There are still a lot of shady things in this game; there's some really bad balancing; and the worst part of all is all the bugs and the crashing, which I will cover in my review of Warzone 2.


I will be buying it when the game first comes out because I think it is absolutely horrible, and I don't know why more people aren't complaining about how the game is, but the actual gameplay now is pretty fun. I think the main point is just to not feel guilty if you're playing really slow and, almost campy, because that is just how the devs have designed this game and how they want it to be played, which is exactly how Warzone won in MW2019, but you were but you were still able to get away with it with a lot of different mechanics especially the slide canceling but in this game it is, just too difficult and you really need to adapt to what kind of game they've made while also still being able to play aggressively, and pretty much all of that learning has to do with playing tactically and just having better positioning.

I've noticed in pretty much all of the 1v3 and 1v4 matches that I've won because I almost exclusively play quads, even if I'm by myself and play solo. I finish him, and then I instantly run away and reposition because even if a monster does a couple shots of damage to you, it breaks like two plates, and you can't run away and play like you are stuck wherever you are.


And yeah, the fight's going to be slower and more drawn out if you do that, but at the end of the day, if you win the fight, it doesn't really matter. I'll probably show a clip here. Pretty soon, when I got into a 1v4, I was in a really scary situation. I had no hand markers. I couldn't see my plates, and I couldn't see the map, but I managed to win the fight against all of them because, like I said, I changed positions every single time I got a kill.

It definitely took me a little while to get past that and just realize that I was trying to force the game to be played like an old arcade shooter. I know a lot of people, really. I really don't like it because of all the reasons I gave: it's much slower, much more tactical, and doesn't really feel like a lot of the past Call of Duty games.

Duties I've actually seen quite a few people already going back to War Zone One because it's now back up. There is absolutely, positively no way in hell I'm going to do that, but I understand why some people would want to go back already. Do you actually enjoy the core gameplay? I'm not talking about the rest of the game, which is honestly pretty shaky.

nate gibson

At the moment, the game is insanely unstable. I was talking to my stream about this, and I think the game is actually more unstable than Cyberpunk 2077. I mean, this thing crashes. Dev errors The amount of bugs that I get in this game is unreal; it's very obvious the game should have been delayed, and I'll have a lot more than they did, and I'll have a whole article on that.

Like I said, I'm reviewing War Zone 2, and it is going to be it's probably going to be very negative, like my review of regular MW2, but mostly because of just how shite the game released anyways.

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