News - Warzone 2: How To Unlock The Chimera The Fastest Ways Possible

Is the chimera worth unlocking in modern warfare 2?

Is the chimera worth unlocking in modern warfare 2?

Eastern, and thanks again to the Call of Duty League for sponsoring this article so Now that we know how to unlock the Chimera quickly, the next question is: is it worthwhile? Is it worth unlocking? Is it worth running on your regular classes in either multiplayer or war zone? There are a few weapons that feel useless in the game, but there are only a few, and the Chimera is definitely not one of them.

Now is it the Rowler 762, where it takes two shots to kill? but it's definitely still really good and can be a relatively mobile AR device. Honestly, a weapon that I'd kind of liken to the M4 is easy to pick up and easy to use, and honestly, it's not terrible but also not the best in class now. I do think for a lot of people it's going to be worthwhile for multiplayer.

The chimera can really help your camo grind in modern warfare 2


And for camos, though, as we've mentioned before, the camos this year are dependent upon the total number of platinums, not entire categories, so if you have 51 platinum weapons, you can then progress and work towards your polyatomic, camos, and, by extension, your 51 polyatomic. Ammunition gets you Orion, so, as it stands right now, we're at 55 weapons in the game as of the Season 1 Reloaded update, so you can sacrifice four of the base weapons if you don't want to use them now.

That could mean skipping all of your launchers or, after today's update, maybe the riot shield if you haven't completed its kills. From Behind are no longer bugged like they were before this update, where it was just straight up kills you needed with that, and with riot shields now requiring three hits to kill in the core, that's going to be a nightmare to my knowledge.

how to get the chimera

I still think that it's a one-hit wonder in Tier 1. I haven't heard anything otherwise, but I also haven't tested it personally just yet. I'll have to get back to you on that one. But in terms of the camo grind again as of this update, if your camoes do track, it can certainly be beneficial to that overall grind for your master 3 camoes.

Is the chimera any good in warzone 2?

Is the chimera any good in warzone 2?

Now that I'm in Warzone, I haven't fully tested it out just yet. I'm going to do that here tonight at some point, probably, but I'd imagine that it's a doable weapon, something you can run with, but it's probably not going to be anything that's Stand Out 45-round ammunition. A maximum magazine size isn't ideal by any means, and with a damage profile that's kind of in the middle of the pack right now after preliminary testing, it seems like it's kind of there, but who knows?

Maybe it's something that's just a preliminary judgment, and maybe it's a melt machine.

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Have you played around with it? Take care and

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