News - Top 5 Warzone 2 Meta Loadouts After Update. Best Class Setups

best class setup mw2

I literally just tuned it for what the pros were, and then for my stock tuning, I just fully dedicated this attachment to mobility. That's all the pros gave me, so that's what the tuning went to. I don't know if I could really justify this build at the firing range. I mean, we could try. That's a one-shot kill right there.

That's also most likely a one-shot and then or a long shot and then right here. I mean, I shouldn't even be able to land shots like that; it's unbel, I mean here. Okay, you can't get thankful; you can't. If you had slots, you probably could, but, again, this thing is gross on shipment.

Best taq 56 class setup mw2

Best taq 56 class setup mw2

For class setup number four, we have what has been and always will be the best AR in MW2, and at least for me, the TAC 56. I mean, it's just so easy to use the thing, and it doesn't move great. Mobility kills quacks and all that type of stuff; if you don't agree, you're rocking the wrong setup, so here's what you want to throw on it.

Starting off, we have the demo clean shot grip. Sprint-to-fire speed aimed at site speed is a common attachment you've seen throughout these other loadouts. Here we have the 40-round magazine again. It's personal preference; if you want to rock the six, go right ahead. I don't think you really need it because this thing is so strong that you kill quickly anyway, so you could preserve some of your mobility and rock the 40.

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I Got High Velocity: You get an increase in bullet velocity, which just makes this thing that much more dangerous at longer ranges. We have the x10 Gravedigger under barrel, which I love so much, and the TAC 56 huge increase in accuracy and recoil control. This really helps you land a lot more of your shots, and to make things even greater, we got the Cronin OP44 muzzle.

You get vertical and horizontal recoil control with this, and the underbarrel—I mean, it makes it a literal laser beam. That's the last thing you need to worry about when it comes to this weapon. Deadly, wait till we get to the firing range, but before we do that, the tunings for the rear grip are again two different for the pros for the ammunition damage range.

Bullet velocity is tuned for the pros and cons, so basically it just makes this thing a powerhouse of an attachment for the underbarrel. I did recoil stabilization, and due to it being just that goddamn accurate because of this and my muzzle, I was able to tune the bottom part for aiming walking speed.

best class setups

I've already explained why I love that so much, and then for the muzzle tuning, I just tuned it for the pros. I just made sure that this thing was dedicated to making sure I didn't miss a single goddamn shot, and then we brought this thing to the firing range. Man, it doesn't take much, and you know, to cover this, I mean, it's just the best AR in the game, man. It's easy to argue about some of the other weapons, but when you really use this build specifically, there's not much more to say about using it for.

Best lachmann sub class setup mw2

Best lachmann sub class setup mw2

Yourselves, and for classroom number five, my lockman sub, I was able to break my highest kill streak of 105. I got a war zone nuke in both Vondel and Almazra with this exact build.

I mean, I made a article talking about how this is ruining the game. It would be stupid of me not to include it once again in this top five. So first, attached, we've got the 50-round drum. You could do the 40 if you wanted. I'm so aggressive with this build. I've got to throw the 50 on. We have the hollow point rounds, which we threw on our Vaznav 9K.

Would we throw this on our Vaznav 9K? I don't know why I was blanking, but third on your MP5 man I don't have to explain why we got that on the Vasnath build. We have the Falcon Barrel, which gives you movement speed and is aimed at side speed. I mean, you are juking out enemies with this barrel line; it is unbelievable.

best class setups mw2

Trust me, you do not need this. You don't need this big old barrel that gives you damaging bullet velocity. The lockment stuff is so good on its own that you can get away with rocking this one, and then I have on the VLK laser aimb. Mount size speeds for the fire speed In my opinion, the two most important mobility pros you could have are those two, so that's why I have this on again as a common attack on my throne on some of my other builds, and then my final attachment is the mirror recoil factory stock.

I like this because I get aiming stability and recall control, which helps me land more shots and reduce the bounce of my weapon, but I also get sprint speed with this as well, which helps me get around the map a little bit more quickly and get more kills. get out of little situations and whatnot.

best weapons mw2

And then for the tuning. I tuned the ammunition the same way I tuned in the past the damage range of bullet velocity for the barrel; I did recoil steadiness; and I aimed on sight speed, so just a combination of both I didn't want to fully neglect. The recoil steadiness on this, so that's why I tuned it for that, and you do lose out a little bit on this one, and then just tuning on the laser once again, tune it for the pros, and then for the stock aimed on site speed, aim walking speed.

Take this thing to the firing range, even though I genuinely don't need to do it. It's just so good. It's so strong. Its mobility is amazing. I mean, you're just flying across the map, and the thing doesn't have any recoil control. I mean, any recoil—sorry, it has a lot of control over it. It is by far my favorite weapon right now in MW2.

Any one of these five weapons that you use, I use the exact iCal lethal per package of field upgrades, all right. I got a stun grenade from Sun Tax. I got the double-time scab, fast hands, and quick fix only perk package I use. I do ammunition and then portable radar. All right, you guys all stay safe, have a great day, and I'm out in peace.

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