News - New Top 50 Best Guns Warzone 2 After Season 2 Reloaded Update

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It's thunder. Welcome back we're playing here on shoot house one, of the few playable maps in this game in my opinion fellas there's only four playable really fun maps in this entire game there's shoot house then there is Farm 18 Los. Alamos mercados If I'm pronouncing that right and then there is a dome, which has been renamed to Zaya Observatory for some weird reason, then come on now, dog.

Come on, man, because you know that for the new Infinity War team, every single map has to have a long, hard to pronounce, weird name. That's just the way they like it; they want the name of the map to be as awkward as the experience on the map and as complex as the experience once you get on the map.

I'm surprised they didn't rename shootouts to something more complicated, but, anyway, man, I miss the simple names of maps, and another thing I miss is how cheese the KV broadside used to be. That's right, fellas. Man, this gun is absolute garbage. So I'm going to need a new weapon, fellas, so what are the top weapons?

For now, some people tell me Thunder Decay's KY broadside is still good; you just have to take the flame rounds off it. Take the flaming rounds off it, son, are you crazy? Lame rounds, next to the troll, are the flame rounds, which give you that ragdoll physics. I need the flame cheese man, the shoddy too hottie.

best class mw2

I gotta have it man, but it's been nerfed into the ground so unless I want to be the one getting bodied over and over again. I really need to pick a new weapon. Fellas, is it time for me to put the shoddy cheese away and pick up some red guns now? Listen. Charlie Intel The homies of Charlie and Intel did us a favor by enlisting, like the top 50 weapons to use in this game currently, the Nerf Now, if I were to guess the top 50 weapons in this game.

I couldn't do it because I don't even know 50 weapons in this game, but I do know a few because I see them in my lobby constantly, the bunnies hopping around in sweats around the corners; they're literally over the ground. I was to guess the top three weapons in this game without even looking at Charlie's list.

Easily, right off the bat, number one. I would say the TAC 56 is the only gun that these sweats use against me pretty much all the time. The Lochman sub, which we've just seen on the ground right there, for sure, and I'd have to say the Vanic 9K or 9X—I don't know the Vanic—that's probably the other gun.

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So right off the bat, those are the top three guns that I see in my lobby constantly, you know, and of course, the cast-offs. Anyway, let's look at the top 10 weapons that Charlie Intel has in this game. What do you know? Right off the bat, coming in at number one in the power rankings is attack 56, followed by the M4.

There is the Van Vasnes, whatever Vasnes is, in 9K; that's the gun I was talking about. I see that gun everywhere in my sweaty, skill-based matchmaking lobbies. Cast off 762 Lochman, sub the 74u, the hemlock, and, of course, the Chimera, the spr-208, that honestly should be higher, and that is probably where you can make an argument.

The SPAR-208 is the number-one weapon in this entire game. That thing is so cheese, actually. You know what I should switch my shoddy for? That it's basically the same thing as the SR-208 and the Fennec, of course. I don't think anyone will dispute that these are the top 10 weapons in this game currently.

best class setup mw2

I see them constantly, especially that damn Tac 56, the vas nevs 9K, and that Lochman sub. I can see him cutting the sweat off my lobby. This is what they love to use now; let's take a look at numbers 11 through 20. Where's the shotguns at, man? No shotguns in the top ten is no surprise because the shotguns are trash, so here we go, 10 through 20.

The rpk The Tempest torrent has no I don't even know what half these guns are; the tactic in this game is to attack V in this game. I've never even seen any of these guns, the 13B or the SPX 80. I don't even know what these are, these snipers. I just know they're not carrying shotguns. I really don't even think that the FSS hurricane I know that from the beta, the real mg got nerfed into the ground, and the rail mg now ranks in at number 18 after the nerf.

best class setups

I have seen that gun before the Mini-Bach and the Lab 330 rounded out your top 20. I honestly don't even know what any of these guns are except for the rail and the FSS Hurricane. I have no idea what these other guns are; I don't think I've ever even seen them. Then they come in at 21–30 and still no shoddy cheese.

As fellas, you got the lab 330 the cast, by which I mean the cast off five four five the PD, SW528 the MC, and the PD. I mean, what is this? Are these even the names of guns? the mcpr300, the second mg38, and the signal 50. The wrap H, the Lockwood MK2, the p890, and the X12, and then from 30 through 40 we finally see a shotgun show up, fellas, finally we've got the Sab, the TAC M.

The ebr-14 The Icarus, the 50-cal GS the basilic I think that's the handgun, isn't it the hdr-56, and there it is, the KY broadside. The first shotgun in this game comes in ranked at 37, and it's trash. The KV broadside sucks with the other shotguns in this game. On the other side of the 45, there is the Bryson 800.

best class setups mw2

I think the price is better than what they gave you, broadside man, are you kidding me? I think I think the Bryson's death The Bryson 800, I think it's definitely better than the KV Broadside personally right now; then you got the Bryson 890; then you got the Lockwood 300. The shotguns are garbage; they're ranking at the bottom of this tier list, which is a far cry from Modern Warfare 2019, fellas, where the shotguns ran the show, so looking at the top weapons, it might be time to start red gunning again because that tack is 56 and that vein is 9K.

9K, even the Lochman sub calling my name, and you got the hemlock, the chimera, spr-208. Is it time for your boy to put the shotguns down, especially when according to Charlie Intel's power ranking here and according to my own personal testing, they are absolute garbage? The shotgun's been nerfed into the ground.

We have one good shotgun, the KY broadside, but they went ahead and nerfed it. It is absolute garbage. Do you guys want me to stick it out and grind it out with the shoddy cheese, or is it time to pick up that attack 56? Come on in, homie! come on. There, it is man the caveman broadside. This gun used to be a beast; now it's a bust.

best weapons mw2

It's just nerfed right into the ground. My first look at this damn sloppy lobster was fantastic.Happy St. Patrick's Day, everybody

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