News - Top 5 "meta" Loadouts Season 3. Warzone 3 Best Class Setups - Warzone 2

Loadout 3

Loadout 3

We have another SMG with the WSP 9. If you guys have been watching my articles for a little while, you guys know this is one of my favorite weapons in the entire game. It has been for a super long time, so of course, starting off the build, we have the short light barrel giving you guys that ads speed, sprints, fire speed, and sprint speed and Sprint speed same thing as the striker 9 we want this to be as fast as humanly possible and this is the perfect attachment to do so then mixing in perfect with the barrel is the dr6, hand stop for our under Barrel is giving you guys the exact same pros and cons as the Striker 9 build, and it's just making sure you guys are faster in every possible way, and like I was saying with the last build, the 9mm, high-grain ammunition is 100% personal preference if you guys want to run a different attachment.

best 3 loadout

But this is giving us that bolt velocity and damage range, making sure the WSP 9 is hitting harder and you guys are getting closer to hitting scan. The mixing in perfect with the rest of the build is the WSP, factory stock speeding you guys up with that ad speed, movement speed, and sprint speed, making it to where you're absolutely flying.

When using this build, and of course for the last and final attachment, we have the 40-round mag to increase that mag capacity while also holding on to a little bit more mobility compared to the 50-round mag. Overall, that's my full build for the WSP9. SMG, in War Zone 3 season 3, like I was saying, has been one of my favorite weapons in War Zone 3 for a really long time, so if for some reason you guys haven't already, make sure you guys go through, give the entire bit of try, and tell the highest skill game you guys get with it. Let me get you guys our loading number two.

Loadout 2

Loadout 2

Loading number two, we have another assault rifle, and we got the Hoger 556. If you guys don't know, a couple updates ago this caught a pretty big buff, and ever since that it has been one of the best assault rifles in the entire game, and now coming off the season 3 update where we got a massive Ram 7even Nerf, this might have just taken that number one spot, so hoing directly to the build, we're going to be tossing on the VT7, spirit fire suppressor, helping out the hoger in every possible way, keeping off that mini map, making sure you guys are hitting harder, getting closer to hit scan, and where the build isn't moving whatsoever.

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Then we'll be tossing on the cryo 6 match long barrel, giving you guys that bu velocity and damage range, recoil control, and gun kick control, like I was saying with the muzzle, making sure the hoger 556 isn't moving at all, and it's giving you guys that boost for that damage range and 10% towards that bolt velocity, the same thing as the SVA.

best assault rifle mw3

Like I always tell you guys, the optics are 100% personal preference, but I have been feeling the absolute best with the brand new Jack glassless OpTic. The mixing and perfect with the rest of the build is the RB ad assault stock giving you guys that recollection control and gun kick control, which if you guys check the detailed stats gives you 14%, for the horizontal and vertical making through the hoger isn't moving whatsoever.

And of course, for the last and final attachment, we have the 40-round mag, which increases that mag capacity, making sure you don't have to reload after every single kill. Overall, that's my full build for the Hogre 556 assault rifle in War Zone 3 season 3. I'm telling you guys that after that massive buff it caught a couple updates ago, it has been one of the best assault rifles in the entire game, so if you guys still haven't, make sure you guys go through, give the entire bit of try, and some of the highest Co game you guys get with it.

Loadout 1

Loadout 1

Let me get you guys our last load on the list: number one, and of course in the number one spot we have the HRM 9 SMG, which in the update actually technically caught a small Nerf just making it a little bit slower with the sprint of fire speed, but overall the damage and everything about it that makes it so incredibly broken didn't get touched, so hopping directly into the Bild we're tossing on the Zim 35 compensated flashhider, which, like I've said over and over in this article.

best smg 3

I've been running this on a ton of my builds recently, and no matter what weapon you use on it, it makes it to where it has no recoil. And of course, since it is an SMG, we're tossing on the Dr6 handstyle for our underbarrel, speeding you guys up with that aim. Walking speed ads speed Sprint to fire speed and movement speed helping out the HR 9 in every possible way just making sure you guys are a whole lot faster and speaking of the damage on the hr9, we're going to be tossing on the 9mm, high grain ammunition, giving you guys that bolt velocity and damage range which this attachment is one of the main reasons why my build puts people down so fast and for the next attachment we have the folding stock giving you guys that recoil control gun kicking control and firing aim stability which this is going to mix in absolutely perfect with the muzzle allowing you guys to beam anybody you really need to using this HRM 9 build and of course for the last and final attachment we have the 50 round drum mag increase that mag capacity, which as you guys can tell the only other option is a 20 mag so this is absolutely essential for the build but overall that's my full build for the hr9.

SMG In War Zone 3, season 3 I feel like this has been like my number one meta SMG build for a really long time, so it kind of stinks that it didn't catch a bigger Nerf with the update, but just like always, make sure you guys go through, give the entire bit of try, and tell the highest Co game you guys get with it.

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That's it for

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