News - Top 5 Meta Class Setups Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups

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02 may not seem optimal, but I thought that was the best choice overall, so as you guys see, the more I change it, the more it's just not worth it. That's why I kind of left it alone. 02: I mean, you could increase that, and I mean, it could be beneficial, but I just didn't think it was necessary because of the recoil reduction you're going to get from Eco Smoothness.

Now put on the 45-round magazine if you think you can handle 30. Then, cool, you can throw on a muzzle or a barrel, but I just don't think you have to then put on a true attacker for Sprint to fire while being aimed outside at the cost of recoil control. I set the Sprint's fire speed to negative 0.16 inches and the weight to 0.03 ounces for recall, then I put on the Atrizet stock to aim for walking scene speed and Sprint speed at the cost of aiming stability.


I, change the aim down side speed to negative 3.23. On the high tower 20-inch barrel for bullet velocity damage range, recoil control, and hip fire accuracy at the cost of aim down side speed movement speed, and hip recoil control, but the damage range of 0.36 inches in a recoil stain is the point of 31 pounds, but in the choreo for Factory for aiming stability and recoil control at the cost of aim walking speed Sprint speed aimed outside speed garage movement speed, but the aiming accessibility stability to 1.26 inches and the aim down side to negative, 2.06 ounces, but on the x10 grip for Sprint to fire speed aim down sight speed at the cost of recoil control and set the Sprint to negative 0.617 inches.

Put the aim down side speed to negative 0.48 ounces and then put on the 45-round mag. Unless you think you can handle 60, I don't recommend it, or if you can handle 30 even better, just change the ammunition To High Velocity or overpressure now. Here's the end product, in my opinion, even though it doesn't advertise super quickly.

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It's just a fantastic weapon, and in my opinion, you guys are actually going to go crazy with it. Complement the muzzle for horizontal and vertical recoil control at the cost of aim and downside speed. Aiming stability I increased the gun kick control by 0.10 inches in The Recoil stabilization is 0.23 ounces, and if you put on the Ftech M sub 12 inch for bullet velocity damage range, recoil control, and hip fire accuracy at the cost of aim down side speed and movement speed and hit the prequel control set, the damage range is 0.31 inches, and the recoil stain is 19 pounds.

Put on a 40-round mag unless you can handle 15, which I don't recommend just because I don't think that's enough bullets in a 50; it feels like too much. Train it off, or you're just going to be moving way too slowly. Lockman, Tcg10, For Reco control at the cost of aiming stability, set the Sprint to fire speed at 17 inches.

The recoil state is.03 ounces both on the negative side and on the LM stockless mod for aim down side speeds. Sprint-to-fire speed movements are being hit by Regal control at the cost of aiming recoil control, aiming stability, and influence resistance. Here's the end product, and it's so beautiful considering this thing actually has the stockist mod.

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This thing actually does not have that much downside. My current all-time favorite build at the moment is Devel 46, and this build right here with the tuning is just insane; it melts in so fast, so FSS Shark Fin 90 for Emmy out stability increased aiming out stability to 0.25 inches in The Recoil stabilization of 0.44 ounces is then put on the VLK 7MW for downward speed aiming stability.

Sprint to fire speed: the cost of laser being visible in ads increases, zeroing distance by 11.52 feet, and Sprint to fire speed by negative 0.32 ounces. 30, Round mag for movement speed, aim down side speed Sprint to fire speed and reload quickness at the cost of magazine ammo capacity, so instead of 40 you have 30, slay your soldier grip.

Smith fire is being aimed outside speed at the cost of recoil control. Set the Sprint to fire speed and by negative 0.28 inches, and the recoil stain is 0.29 ounces. Last but not least, the demo rxt stock for cross movement speed. Sprint speed, and aim down side speed at the cost of recoil control.

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Set the amino acidability to 1.55 inches and the aimed outside speed to negative 2.06 ounces. Here's the end product, and it's so beautiful you can actually snake and then just absolutely Shred the enemy. Now the only downside is that you're not going to be able to actually go long range; you're going to have to avoid the long range gun space.

I really don't recommend going for these long-range kills. You can burst fire, but this is really made for short to medium range. I'll show you guys what happens if you have all your bullets, basically. If you go long-range, this is what you're going to be doing, and it's just not optimal. I don't think people want to count their bullets like that, and they can just stick to the shirts and medium and actually do very well.

The TAC 56 is overall The tryhard Meta weapon for Modern Warfare 2 and I think this build would do fantastic for you. 17.5, Tundra Pro barrel for damaging rain ship fire actually a bullet velocity at the closet and downside speed and hit recoil control. Set the damage range to 0.30 inches and the aim weight to be negative 0.27 pounds, but on the 5.56 high velocity bullet velocity at the cost of damage range, set the bullet velocity to 6.39 gr and do not change the weight.

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FSS combat grip for recoil control at the cost of aiming stability sets the rectifier speed to negative 0.20 inches, and the recoil stain is 0.71 ounces. TV Cardinal stock for aim and walking speed Sprint speed at the cost of aiming stability: set the Emu stability to 1.86 inches and the aim down side speed to negative 1.94 ounces.

Schlager's PEC box for aim downside speed is at the Amy house ability of 21.39 feet, and the Sprint to fire speed is negative 0.21 ounces. Here's the end product, and it's absolutely beautiful, in my opinion. You don't even have to drive with this build; it's just such an amazing and broken build that if you aren't using it, you're most likely going to get slayed by a tryhard in your lobby that's going to use this exact build.

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Trust me, this is the ideal tryhard build for attack 56, and if you use this, no tryhard is going to be able to beat you, especially if you have good aim. This is basically what I put on the Super Tag VI barrel: Damage range, bullet velocity, recoil control, and hit-fire accuracy at the cost of aim, downside speed, hip control, and movement speed.

Set the damage range to 0.14 inches, and the recoils Dayton is 0.31 pounds, then the nine millimeters overpressured I actually did not change it, but it is most likely a good idea to change it so it increases Targets flinch, so just increase the bullet velocity by a little bit, probably about 5.40, and the damage rate by a little bit, about 0.29, and you'd be good to go for 50 rounds.

TOP 5 META CLASS SETUPS in Modern Warfare 2! MW2 Best Class Setups. warfare 2.
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