News - Ranked Play Top 5 Best Class Setups. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups

best class setups

This is the Vel 46, and this is the build that I highly recommend. This is the Edge 47 grip for meow stability and recoil stabilization. Now you see that you get a decline in aim-down sight speed, and that may deter some people, but trust me, you'll barely notice it. The next thing is the 30-round mag for movement speed, aim-down sight speed, fire speed, and reload quickness at the cost of the magazine's ammo capacity.

If you don't want all those pros, you can just go without the magazine, and you could probably put something else on there that'll boost the ads, but honestly, this build is entirely built for ads, so the schlager soldier grip boosts, the Sprint to fire speed name down sight speed at the cost of recoil control, but once again, that's something you're not really going to notice.

The next thing is the demo RXT stock for crash movement speed, sprint speed, and aim-down sight speed. The cost of recoil control, some people would think Hmm, well, if you want this to be the best, you know, ads and Sprint build, you would use the Vel A568. I'm telling you this would be a bad idea.


Stick with the demo because this aiming recoil control is way too hard compared to the demo. I'll just give you an example of what I mean. This thing is really easy to use right now; in fact, it's super easy to get a kill, in my opinion. If you were to take this off and just use the collapse, I'm going to show you how much harder it'll be, so say you're snaking and it's going to bounce all over.

That may not seem that bad in my opinion it may not seem that bad but I feel like when you actually get in-game, it's just a lot harder. I think you can handle it; feel free, but just know that you know I'm using myself to actually control heavy recoil like that; it's much easier. And, actually, have a good time and most likely get the kill faster than if you were to try to, you know, get a better chance.

With Sprint's fire speed and ads, this is the best build for the Vel, and I think anybody will be able to use it. Next, we're going to move on to the Vasant. I actually have two versions of it, which I never want to show you, but this is the first one. The spiral V 3.5 flash hider is something that I didn't even think would be a good idea at first, but this thing actually turned out to be amazing.

cod modern warfare 2 best class setup

It's for muzzle flash concealment and recoil, saying it's the cost of aim downside speed and aiming stability, something you're not going to notice. Believe me, put on the FSS shark fin for aiming stability, and there are no cons, honestly. I also put on the true tack grip for Sprint to fire speed and aim downside speed increase at the cost of some recoil control, which you're also not going to notice, and, last but not least.

I put on the op rosat stock for aim walking speed and Sprint speed at the cost of aiming stability. In fact, I would be daring to even try to get the long-range engagement just because it's super easy to control. This is a gun you're going to have no problem using, and it's going to be super easy overall.

Now, if you don't want to use this version, say you don't want to use the muzzle; you just want a little bit more speed. You can actually just use the FSS shark fin for aiming stability, with no cons. You can put on the true tack grip for specification. Speed and aim decrease as speed increases, at the cost of some recoil control.

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You can put on the opposite stock for aim, walking speed, and sprint speed, at the cost of some aiming stability. This will actually give you just a bit more advertising. Inspected buyer I don't know if it's really that noticeable, but if you guys want to do that, it's completely up to you. Either way, you're probably going to do a good job next.

The thing I want to move on to, though, is something that is a sleeper. I guarantee you that very soon this is going to be a meta build; in fact, I'll most likely make a article about this very soon. The bass P is very fast, and it probably has one of the best ads in the game; it's probably comparable to the MP7.

So I put on the x10 Razer Comp for horizontal and vertical recoil control at the cost of aim-down side speed and aiming stability. On the four-inch Thunder Fire, now I see the cons. Believe me, I see the cons, but they are worth it. I also put on the Bruin Flash V4 stock for sprint speed, aim welcome speed, crash movement speed, and aim down sight speed at the cost of aiming stability and recoil control.

modern warfare 2

Put on the Bruin flash grip for Sprint to fire speed and aim down sight speed at the cost of some recoil control, but get this, this thing is so fast. It literally locks like that. I'm daring to say that this is faster than the MP7, especially when you get headshots. It's just ridiculous, and you see that the ads are almost instantaneous.

I think that this is a fantastic build. If you don't think you can hang with that build, you can actually move on to this build, which would be the Lockshot KT 85, for horizontal and vertical recoil control at the cost of downside speed and aiming stability. You can put on an FZ shark fin for aiming out of stability with no cons.

You put on the Broom Flash group for Sprint to fire speed and aim downside speed at the cost of some recoil control, and the Broon Flash V4 stock for Sprint speed, walking speed, crash movement speed, and downside speed at the cost of aiming stability and recoil control. This isn't much different.

modern warfare 2 best

Honestly, it's not much different. I just feel like you probably have a little bit more recoil control, and the other thing I would like to point out is that you have some more bullet velocity, which is more damaging, so whichever one you want to use, this will probably be like an SMG AR hybrid, but this thing.

It's crazy to say this thing has fantastic range and fantastic fire rate, so if you really want to try out a build that won't compromise, say, your damage range, bullet velocity, and recoil control, then you can use this one and you'll have a field day. I just highly recommend this one because it feels like the Scorpion.

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It really feels like the Scorpion. But the next thing I want to move on to is TAC 56. People are always looking for a good build for the Attack 56, and I think this one's really ideal for the Komodo Heavy for horizontal recoil control at the cost of aim-down side speed and aiming stability. One thing is the scar; it really is just horizontal recoil; you don't really have to worry about vertical too much, but on the 17.5 Tundra Pro barrel, for damage range, hip fire accuracy and beloved velocity come at the cost of aim downside speed and hip recoil control.

Modern Warfare 2 Ranked Play TOP 5 BEST CLASS SETUPS! MW2 Best Class Setups. warfare 2.
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