News - Top 5 "broken" Meta Loadouts On Rebirth Island - Call Of Duty Warzone

warzone 3 meta loadout

If you pull up the stats on here, you can see a little bit going up for range, a little bit going up for damage, and a little bit going up for accuracy, even though it says it gives you debuffs. And a little bit going up for recoil control I know that's a lot of little bits, trust me in the long game it'll help you out moving on to our third attachment we're going to be running an under Barrel on this class and I love running the dr6 hands off whether I'm playing ranked or if I'm playing war zone because this feels so good when I'm trying to peek around corners, or maybe I'm trying to strafe around and I have tons of Buffs on my gun what I mean by that is I have aim down sight speed aim walking speed Sprint to fire speed, and movement speed all on a submachine gun all with one under barrel and this is going to give us huge Buffs especially if we're trying to run Chase engagements, make that Sr gain even more and you can see right here mobility and handling, all get love with moving on over to our fourth attachment we're going to be rocking a magazine and we're going to be running the 50 round drum mag this is pretty self-explanatory.

And last but not least, for our final attachment, we're going to be running a stock. We're going to be running the folding stock just because of the fact that it's going to give us recoil control. We really want recoil control when we're trying to use subs, especially at medium distances. You can see right here that we recoil control gun kit control and firing aim stability.

warzone 3 meta loadouts

We pull the details on this, which helps our recoil quite a bit. Looking at this gun overall, it is a very good build. In my opinion, to be running, I would run the HRM if you love running submachine guns. Let's hop over to the next one. Now moving over to our fifth weapon, it's going to be a fan favorite, and a lot of console players have actually been using it, and we're going to be talking about the S SOA, subverter.

warzone 3 meta weapons

As you can see right here, we have this thing decked out, so let's see how it does against three plated bots. Pretty much beaned, no recoil, pretty much bean. Yeah no recoil this is definitely going to be a very good gun to be running but let's go ahead and talk about the attachments to run, so on the SOA subverter you can already tell mine isn't even leveled up all the way because I didn't really enjoy using this four pubs until it got broken in war zone so for our muzzle we're going to be running the Cassis break L this is going to help with our horizontal recoil and our firing aim stability we pull up the details on here we getting a huge buff on recoil already ready for this weapon, for our Barrel we're going to be running the Dozer 90 long barrel and this is going to help for bullet velocity and damage range it's going to help also with fire aim stability gun kit control and recoil control, you pull up the details on here you can see a huge buff going for range and recoil control with a tiny bit on the damage and when I tell you guys this gun had no recoil and you guys literally watched it have no recoil in the firing range running these attachments on your gun are going to make it 10 times better.

We're going to kick it up a little bit differently on the underbarrel; we're actually going to be running the brew and heavy support grip, and the reasons are gun kick control, aiming idle sway, horizontal recoil, and firing stability. If we pull up the details here, you can already see another buff for recoil control and a little bit of a buff for accuracy.

warzone best loadout

We lose a tiny bit on handling, but trust me, guys, you don't even see the handling Nerf at all on this weapon. Moving over to our fourth attachment, we're going to be running a 50-round drum mag again. Sniper and this sniper, in my opinion is one of the best this is going to be the fjx we're going to talk about what makes this sniper a one shot sniper anywhere in the body at any range trust me guys we're going to show you guys here in the firing range and I'm even going to show you that we have a three plate dummy on because this doesn't even make sense you can see three plates on the screen right now we're going to show you in all ranges that this thing one shot so bam, and we're all shooting in the chest we're not even going for head shot even in Long Range like that we just got one shot on three different enemies with full plate armor not even shooting once in that head now I'm going to talk to you guys about this build but trust me you got to keep it quiet.

warzone best loadouts after update

To make this secret fjx, sniper build that on shots no matter what range you are without even shooting in the head, we're going to be running a muzzle on this, and we're going to be running the nil sound 90. This is undetectable by the radar, giving us plus two on the bullet velocity and helping our firing aim stability.

We can pull up the details for you guys. You can see a little bit on the recoil control, a little bit on the accuracy, and a little bit on the range, and we're going to lose quite a bit of handling. And this gun needs a little bit of range, so we're going to put it in the barrel for our second attachment.

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It's going to give us three, maybe even four, on a plus for the damage range that gives us bullet velocity and hiti-fire accuracy, even though we're not really too key on hiti-fire accuracy. But if we pull up these stats on this, we're going to see range going up quite a bit and accuracy going up quite a bit, and this is going to make this sniper very good no matter what range we are fighting at.

warzone best weapons

Now for our third attachment, we're going to be running a stock. We're going to be running the rib 400 or the ribb 400. This is going to help with our aiming Idol sway because we're going to be trying to focus enemies from miles away. It's going to help with our hip fire spread, our recoil control, and our gun kick control, so every time we shoot that sniper, we don't want it swaying all over the place.

Pull up the stats on here, and you can see an accuracy and a recoil control getting a little bit of a buff. Now for our fourth attachment, we're going to be running SPX 86x. I personally enjoy this scope. If you want to run something different, or maybe you want to be a thermal kind of guy in a war zone, run those smokes, make him not be able to see you, and then boom-pop him with a thermal with a one-shot, you can run that as well.

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I personally enjoy the SPX. I feel like it's a good all-around range sniper scope to be running whether they're in close, medium, or even long. Peace,

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