News - This Iso 45 Loadout Is "meta" On Vondel Park Warzone 2. Best Iso 45 Class Setup - Mw2

This guy's flying in this guy's flying in this island; he's flying, and I ain't worried about him. I mean, it's really hard to talk through that situation at that point. Just know that the guy who was highly alert to me was flying in. I saw a guy laying down right here as I'm flying in, so I'm going to get my load on his ass.

He's dead i really don't know a thing about him. I'll kill him just for the extra blade. Okay, so I have this whole roster in front of me. They're about to run at me. They were actually going to play first, and we're going to play for his rights, but they ain't getting it. So I'm expecting a chow there's one right there, like the ones like AFK or something.

best smg

This is the same roster from earlier. They stink, and I'm not afraid of them at all; I just like them. I do i get it right there. I have this guy. This guy's lying down. I set my high alert off, so I hear a guy above me. It's probably broken pings, but we're going to play for it against the left.

They're like this stairwell. I'm kind of afraid to challenge myself. I'm going to get stacked, or they're under me loads under me loads, one dead, two dead. Spawn protection i would go down right here, but, like, this is a really, really ratty area. I'm getting pinged; I got PA; this is not good, so this player right here seems like he's not too bad at the zip line.

Here comes his teammate; he jumps off, so someone's going to get curious again. I'm going to come up the zipline. I'm going to shoot there, and then I'm playing for the white guy; he's not coming up right now. They're just going to stay down, so I have to be mindful that they can still come with the zip line.

best smg 2

It's time to get busy, though I'm missing out on a lot of kills here. I really want to get a 40, so one's up top. I see him right here. I'm going to act like I don't see him. He shoots at me because he has no trigger discipline. I kind of chop my shots, but I'm going to wrap the left because he's not going to expect it.

I'm actually going to jump down on them because I'm ready for the kill. I'm going to lose the thing the whole time he's not there anymore, whether he's in or not, so this is a really ratty spot.

End game

End game

He's an idiot; he's dead his teammates about the Chow. Yep, it's almost like I'm hacking. Get the full kills. I know there's only okay, so there's seven people left in the game. Me minus Carl means there's five people left where the other five people are, so Carl's picking him out. Carl's out to get a kill up top.

I'm actually going to hit the zip line and probably go back up. I hear a lot of squabbling up top, so I gotta help Carl like ASAP Rocky hit the zip line, cancel my animation at the top of the zip line, don't see anybody up here, some random ass thermites going off is that your termite Carl okay, so where that thermite is only like two people could throw, they gotta be like right here somewhere right here two of them.

best smg mw2

Carl calls him out, they're down here on the side of the road like doing some. I have one. I'm going to go left and get a good angle before I take my shot. I'll probably die here. Play the gas because I know they're a nervous wreck and they'll never check it. Okay, maybe they do check it because they're hacking.

Yeah, this guy's under me. I'm just vibing right now. This guy is not talking to a squad at all; there's one, like, right on the corner of the Bible, I think. Mike, even in one year or one month, man, welcome back. I don't think about one year or seven months. Welcome back, brother. I don't think he's behind.

Yeah, he's about to. He's in there. Here he comes. That's how you win the game until you drop to 37. You know my every move. Look at how she

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