News - The Warzone Meta Has A Big Problem

modern warfare 3

You don't need to have situations where, hey, this season you can use two good SMGs, and then next season those two SMGs are going to be completely irrelevant and it'll be two brand new ones. What if we just had four really competitive SMGs and it was more of a pick your poison scenario? You're really good with SMG numbers one and three, and you don't really love the feel of number four.

Well, that's okay, because maybe someone else loves four, and then they have their pros and cons accordingly. I think that's a scenario that's more favorable for everyone. Not only do the developers get their wish of having a more diverse, more competitive, and more viable meta overall where you can use a large assortment of weapons, but also players who invest in certain metas who invest in certain guns don't see the harsh punishment of their guns becoming completely obsolete.

Also, if you're new to the channel, you want to guarantee you're up to date with all of the meta updates, for instance, all of the things going on in COD. Have an awesome rest of your day. I'll catch you

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