News - The Unstoppable "fennec" Best Class Setup Warzone 2. Best Fennec Class" Warzone 2 Gameplay



I made my entire class offended at this insane weapon at long range that also has no recoil, and I actually meant no recoil. This isn't just clickbait or anything like that; it actually is crazy good, and even up close, this gun is unstoppable. I didn't. Okay, skill-based matchmaking literally threw me to the ground and stomped on me like that.

That's what skill-based matchmaking does for me every single day. But before we get into the class, guys, I'm going to show you some of my struggles so you guys can feel like you guys can know what I feel like all right man like playing without. Reverse boosting is really tough. All right, man, I've been considering a lot of stuff lately.

I'll never do it, but man, if it's not in the back of my mind, I don't know what's all right. Now, someone recently told me nobody knows. Always set low like goals, so today we're going to set a really high one if we can hit three likes on this article. In the game, there are some that I haven't even used yet, and there are others that I'm just addicted to and can't stop using, like the fennec, which is my number one; my fenik is crazy good, and probably the cast-off number 74.

That's also pretty nice as well, all right?

Live gameplay!

Live gameplay!

Honestly, I never thought about putting a sight on the fennec before, but it does get rid of a lot, and I mean a lot, of that visual recoil, so it's kind of worth it. I saw that, and, like, look at that range on this thing; it is so gross, I love it. You tried all right, I've got to play cool; no, I saw a blue dot over his head.

All right, we're going to go on the street now; don't even worry about it. I'm getting my streaks before the end of the game; thank you, double kill, I'll take it. Okay, it seemed like that much; they don't have many points to go. No matter what, no matter how campy I have to play, I am getting my streaks today, every single one of them that's on; I don't care; that's the goal, and I'll play Super Cappy if I have to do it.

God, here we go; there we go; we go headshot. There we go. All right, I gotta chill because I've got no teammates all the way out here with me; I'm all alone, and that's not good.

Class & tuning!

Class & tuning!

No way, so no matter what, even if skill-based matchmaking wasn't beating me as hard as it was, this class is still insane. No matter what gun I was using it was still going to skill base management was still going to take me down.

But anyway, here is the funny part, guys. I never thought defendant could be used for long range or be viable at all for long range, but it really is, so we got stem shots in proximity. Mine dead silence, and then the perks we got were double-time scavengers, cold-blooded, and ghosts. You guys know the drill is important, but just be aware when you shoot an enemy who has a UAV up.

Once you're shooting, you're visible on that map for like five seconds after you stop shooting, after which you go invisible again. We're just going to get that out of the way, but now let's talk about all the attachments and the tuning that I chose for them. So the first one is the barrel, and that's the fennec covert.


Force Now, this is great because you get sound suppression useless and you get damage range, hip fire accuracy, and bullet velocity, so I did this for the damage range and the hip fire accuracy, which I was trying to make a class specifically for. For long and close range, I want it to be viable for both; then, hit buyer accuracy is great because it helps you in close range, and damage range is great because it helps in long range.

Now the tuning on this one I didn't touch; I left it as is. Now you might be wondering why I did that. I could obviously change it, but if I do, the recoil is already setting this gun, so I don't need to put the ads up, and if I do put the ads up. I'm going to lose some damage range, but then if I put the damage range up.

best class

I lose ads, so I don't want to do that, and then the recoil is already setting this in the aim speed, which is perfect, so I left it as is. The next attachment is the F-TAC Tiger Grip. I'm sure you saw some clips already that hit by accuracy is really nice now the tuning for this one is that I put the aim locking speed a little higher and then I put the ads all the way down to the Mac now.

A lot of people have been telling me recently that I don't need to push this to the max. You can leave it like here or here or wherever because it's not linear and doesn't change every single one you put here, but you know what? I'm just going it as is I'm gonna leave it at the max. I don't know if it makes a difference; if it doesn't, I just feel like leaving it at the maximum.

So that's what I did for that one right there, going to another attachment. On this one, right here is the rear grip, and that's the fennec rubber grip, and this is good for close range because you get Sprint to fire speed and ads, which is really nice in those close range gunfights, and in those long range gunfights, you don't need it as much because chances are you're probably already adsing.

best class setup

Now we do lose some recoil control, and you might see here that I didn't put anything in to help. The recoil I put on Sprint to Fire and ads in the Max is because, like, look, let's get into the firing range fast. Don't need to worry about that; it's still very accurate in this class right here, so boom, easy as bread, and I don't know if that made any sense, but yeah anyways, yeah, you don't need to tune anything here because it really is really nice.

The recoil is really easy now when you're playing online instead of at the firing range, and you're going to see those longer shots are still easy to hit going to the second to last attachments. That is the stock, and we went with the F-TAC X command stock, and this one is great because it gives you that recoil control; now, you do lose ads, but that recoil control is really needed for those longer ranges.


I left it as is; I didn't want to touch it; there's actually nothing that really gives you any recoil control here but aim walking speed and aim idle stability; I don't care to bring one of those up; I feel like keeping that in the center is really nice, and then the ads speed on the aim walking steadiness; I don't want to put the ads up and lose aim walking speed; I don't want to put the ads and I don't want to put the ads; I don't want to lose the ad if I don't want to put the ads and I don't putting the ad speed on the ad speed on the picture, and again in this game.

I did have it tuned. I just accidentally turned it off. Before I took off the attachment and stuff, so I put it for far and I put the ads all the way to the max on this one right here. I don't normally use a sight on SMGs, but I feel like you really need to use the Slimline Pro on this one right here just to make that accuracy.

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