News - The Shotgun "quick Scoping" Class Of Warzone 2. 0. Explosive Slugs On The Bryson 800 For Aggression

I just highly recommend using this as an addition to a shotgun or as a close-quarters weapon. You basically just push the range a little bit more, but not to crazy ranges, like sniping ranges. This is still going to be a close- to medium-range type of rifle—or, I'm sorry, shotgun. So, I really encourage you guys to try it out now if we compare them to regular slugs.

bryson 800 shotgun

Normal slugs have a little bit less range, but they also don't have to deal with bomb squads on their own. I haven't tested the damage values for bomb squad with explosive slugs, but in normal multiplayer, you don't deal above 100 damage, so it's most likely going to make it to where you have to take an additional shot to kill, so you're basically going to take three shots to kill with these things, so that kind of sucks, but not a lot of people are rocking bomb squad.

Not a lot of people get their perks, and if they do, they don't use Bomb Squad because it's not in their perks package. That's always one of the things that shocks and surprises themselves: just trying something new and fun. It's a little bit different going on the sim, GG, and then showing off the build in game, but I don't really play Warzone 2 that much anymore.

I'm just kind of at a point where I'm a little bored of it; there's not a lot of content, so I'm hoping for more stuff soon, and I'm just kind of waiting for the Resurgence maps to come out because I don't like these big maps.

Explosive Slugs have some quirks, but are ultimately a really fun way to run the Bryson 800. They deal great damage and have a decent fire rate for a pump action. My build is catered towards aggressive players who want good sprint speed, ADS speed, and overall mobility. Feel free to use a scope for more of a "sniper" feel.
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