News - Kv Broadside Slugs: The Fastest Ttk Warzone 2, And No One Uses Them (2 Shot Madness Loadout)

best expedite 12 class

How's it going, vocados, and welcome back to the shotgun Recently, the KV broadside did get nerfed, and a lot of people have been asking what's the new best build and the best way to run it, and honestly, a lot of the builds you guys have been running are probably going to do just fine even after the buff, especially if you've been using regular Buckshot.

But what I want to do today is instead go over something that I think is often overlooked, and that is slow grounds. Especially on the KV broadside, it kind of feels like we're revisiting the origin. 12 slugs back from Warzone 1, albeit, these aren't quite as strong, but these are really good, so today's article is all about the KV broadside slugs and explosive slugs, so let's just go ahead and get into it first. We'll talk about the damages and the ranges like we always do, and for that, I will be using SIM to show off these numbers , So.

Kv broadside slug damages and ranges

Kv broadside slug damages and ranges

As you can see, the numbers here are really good, and this is a lot of damage. You can do some major damage up close with these things. Slugs are always that way, but out to about 5.8 meters, if you hit two shots, or, one headshot with one other shot on the body, you can two-shot kill someone with this gun after that, out to about 16 meters, you can hit two consecutive headshots to get a two-shot kill, or, if you only hit one headshot, you'll need at least two more torso shots to get a three-shot kill, and past 16 meters, or the second drop off, really the second damage range drop off you.

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Really do not want to be caught using this; this is where it's a little bit weaker than the origin because it doesn't carry damage quite as well as far, but up in these first two ranges, it's as good. I promise now you don't deal much damage, like I said in the drop-off for damage is hard, so this is going to be a gun you want to use to complement something longer range or maybe with an SMG and go full out CQB, which I don't really recommend.

I usually use the TAC 56 with this, but you basically just want to stick to a little past shotgun range with this gun and, don't push the range, do not try to snipe people with this thing; it's not really going to work super well unlike a TAC. Unlike the other slug shotguns, this one just does not carry range or damage very well, but it makes up for it by having a very crazy fire rate and being able to do super great damage up close.

But, as with most slugs, you gotta aim high and try to at least hit one headshot in most of your close quarters engagements; that will make you pretty much unstoppable. If you can do that, which I know is hard but you gotta practice it, and at least aim at chess level within 15 meters, you can do some major damage.

Ttk is awesome!

Ttk is awesome!

If you manage to get a two-shot kill with slugs, your time to kill is going to be about 280 milliseconds for the base gun, and if you have the dashboard attachment for a better fire rate, it'll be absolutely insane at about 240 milliseconds, and this isn't dragon's breath; the two-shot is immediate, so it's two shots no burn.

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If you take three shots, your respective times to kill are about 560 milliseconds and 481 milliseconds. So either you get the two shots and have an insane time to kill—that's nearly twice as fast as some other guns—or you take three shots and have about as much time to kill someone as an SMG. It is a very high-risk, high-reward type of weapon, and those are almost always my favorite ones to use, Is no exception at all.

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And, in most cases, an SMG will be better to use, as of course with all shotguns, as an SMG is just generally better besides how the broadside used to be, but if you can manage to hit those shots with this thing you will be rewarded. I promise you now, that's just bass slugs.

Explosive slugs notice

I didn't talk about explosives or slugs yet, but explosive slugs generally deal the same damage but just have better ranges.

But the issue with explosive slugs is that of course the bomb squad will negate the damage some; thankfully, in a warzone, most people you fight probably won't have it equipped, which is nice, but while it is better at ranges. I noticed it feels a lot more wonky than regular slugs do. The bullet velocity is slightly slower, and I feel like the bloom is a bit worse.

I find myself getting weird misses more often than not with explosive rounds compared to regular slugs, plus sometimes you'll get a little bit of that splash damage, which makes you think you're hitting the target right, but really, you're just kind of barely grazing them with some explosive damage, so ultimately, if you want to try explosive slugs, go for it; they're disgusting. If you can get your shots, they're a lot harder to do consistently than normal slugs, and I found that normal slugs are generally the best when it comes to reliability between the two, so when you take a look at my best class, this is typically what I use.

Best class

Best class

This is a close-quarters monster. You don't want to push range with this no-barrel because slugs already have decent range, and since we're going to be in shotgun range already, we don't really need a barrel.

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Yeah, it'll help, but it's just that I think there are better ways to get it out for this particular build, like hitting it out for aim down sight speed; that's usually a good way to go. The Bryson choke is going to help with condensing the bloom.


As always, people always ask me about that, but yes, it does help with the random spread or bloom that slugs have.

You can also use a suppressor, but those are a little bit heavier and they don't help as much with the bloom; they don't really help at all. You get a better Ebola velocity, but I really find the choke to be the most useful now. I use an optic personally because the iron sights on this gun are a little weird; they're a little hard to aim with when you're trying to be super precise, and there is a little bit of muzzle flash and other stuff that gets in the way, so using an optic is totally the right way to go.

I use a red-dot sight; that's usually the way I go, but a Clear Sight picture is just always helpful. Of course, the dashboard 60 is a great attachment, and I think you should always try to run if you can, but I know that kind of hurts to recoil a little bit, so just keep that in mind that if it's a little too much, you are going to kind of sacrifice your time to kill, but you are going to be able to pace your shots a little bit better, but personally. I just say go with the dashboard 60 and spam the hell at their head in their upper chest; that's usually the way I go, and it works really well up close, like.

Recoil can be bad

Recoil can be bad

I find you don't really need it as much as just getting your site up to speed, and you're generally good to go. Like I said, you can swap out slugs for explosive slugs if you want.

Slugs are always a blast to use in Call of Duty, and the KV Broadside has some nasty slugs to use. With tons of "tremendous stopping power" and decent range, these things will get you some wild kills that will surprise the sweats you play against. You have to try this build.
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