News - The M13b Is Broken Warzone 2 After Update. Best M13b Class Setup

best m13b class

So in today's article, I'm going to be giving you an assault rifle build that can compete with the RPG meta here in Warzone 2. This is also a ruffle right here, the m13b, as you'll see in today's gameplay. I ended up dropping 28 kills with this setup, all right. Let's get into the class setup for the first attachment, the muzzle.

You want the Harbinger, D20; it gives you sound suppression, bullet velocity, damage range, and recoil smoothness. For the second attachment, the barrel, you want the 14-inch Bruin Echelon; it gets damage range, bullet velocity, hip fire accuracy, and recoil control for the ammunition type. You want the 556 high velocity for the magazine you're going to be running, the 45-round mag; and for the last attachment, the optic, you want the Cronin Mini Pro; for the tuning of the muzzle, you can do plus.50 ounces for recoil and smoothness, plus 0.23 inches for bullet velocity; and for the tuning of the barrel, you want plus 0.44 pounds for recoil steadiness and plus 0.15 inches for damage range; for the tuning of the ammunition, you can do plus.50 grams for the damage range, minus 2.32 grams for recoil steadiness, and for the tuning of the opt you want.

Plus 0.51 inches for close and minus 3.00 ounces for speed Okay, this is the M13B classic that was running in today's

best M13B class M13b warzone 2 M13b warzone 2 M13b after 1. 11 update warzone 2 m13b after update. the M13B is BROKEN in WARZONE 2 after UPDATE! Best M13b Class Setup.
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