News - Pro Player" Vel 46 Class Setup. Shotzzy's Vel 46 Class Setup - Warzone 2

best mw2 movement

Call of Duty Pro is known for his insane movement, but chassis isn't just evolving the movement meta within Call of Duty; he's also potentially changing the Modern Warfare 2 weapon meta as well. Typically pro SMG players use the Vasnav 9K during their CDL matches, but recently Shotsi has actually been using the Valve 46 in ranked play, and yes, of course.

So with that being said. So our first attachment is going to be the soldier grip for our rear grip. This is going to give us a boost in spritzer fire speed and aim down sight speed in order to improve our mobility, then head over to your stock attachment and put on the demo RTX stock; this is going to give us a boost to our crotch movement speed at Sprint speed and aim down sight speed, so once again, we're just improving our mobility, then go ahead and put on the 30 round mag; this is going to increase our movement speed, aim down side speed at Sprint fire speed, and reload quickness, and our final attachment will be the Edge 47 Grip.

This attachment is going to give us a boost to our aiming idle stability and recoil stabilization, and this is the only attachment in our whole setup that does that. We're not going to tune anything because tuning is now banned in ranked play, and pros don't tune their attachments anyway. The mobility of this setup is absolutely insane.

best player ranked play

It has a super fast trigger speed and sprint to fire speed, but you will also notice that the recoil is a bit difficult to control. It's not impossible to manage; it's just not as easy as the Vasnev. Which is why Shotsi has mentioned plenty of times that he only uses this on small maps and tries to get into close range gunfights, but now that we have our class set up for the valve, let's go ahead and hop into a public match and test it out for ourselves.

Thank you; we have the perfect map here. They're on the point still; now they're over to the left here; they're on the point though; no, they need not say no one saw me; they did see me. I tried to sneak in there; I had to put on Blackjack, and I keep forgetting to do that, so I just died of AIDS left and right.

It's not like I really care about winning; it's a fun challenge to try to win when you're down like this towards the end of the game. I mean, it's impossible; we need to get so many points, but it's still fun to

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