News - New Top 5 Best Ranked Play Class Setup Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Ranked Play Class Setups Warzone 2

It kind of made the playing field unfair because, yes, you would get outgunned by someone like attack or Vasden, but you got a lot of lucky kills, and when you get lucky kills, it really takes out the competitive element of the game. Integrity, from the match, and so now that the cast out (545) has risen, it was good before but now this is going to be even better with the cast off.

You have a very good time to kill, and you have absolutely zero recoil while still having a lot of mobility. I kind of usually use this weapon like an SMG. You just get that nice balance of vertical and horizontal. Recoil control for the underbelly because there is literally zero recoil on the weapon, we're just adding the shark fin 90.

modern warfare 2

Although if you do want a little bit more recoil and control. I would run the Commando, 4-grip next up for the ammo again; this doesn't matter, and so if you want to run an optic. I would take off the high velocity and add an optic, and the optic I recommend is going to be the Corona Mini Pro. I used to run it on here, but I've been really liking the iron sights.

Still, very good, though with an optic, it makes it pretty. I just missed every shot, but that was because I was talking, trust me. And then, for the stock to add a lot of mobility to the weapon without hurting the overall recoil control that much, I'm going to be running the broadside. Previously, I would run the cost of Rama, but I found that I could get a little bit more mobility with the abroads.

I was still having a lot of trouble with recoil control, so if I'm playing the public matches. I found the best, and then to bring up the mobility a little bit more, I found the true tag grip and the The last setup I want to go over is the m13b, a very underrated m13b.

M13b (underrated ar)

M13b (underrated ar)

Set up the M13B, In the season 2 update, it actually got a buff, and so now it's going to be a little bit better, but you don't really want to use it at super long range.

It has a very good damage range, but you don't really want to use it at long range. It's very good when you use it at medium range; that is where the weapon excels. So the build I have going for this baby is that we are going to be again running the fulcrum, the Pro, and we're going to be running the Commando 4 just to get a little bit more recoil and control, although if you do want more recoil and control, feel free to run the edge or the F-Tech.

Ripper, and if you want more mobility, then I'll just run the shark fin 90. Although I found the Commando to be the best for the rig up, we are going to be running the Brew and Flash Grip just to get a little bit more mobility. Previously, for that sprint of fire speed in the stock, I would be running the Ravage 10, but I found that the Brewing just makes the weapon feel so much better.


You can get up and in the enemy's face a lot easier, but we are losing a little bit more recoil and control. So feel free to run the Ravage 10 if you want a little bit more recoil and control but fewer pros. Then for the iron sights, I didn't really like them. If you do like the iron sights, then obviously take off the corner mini-pro and then throw on the high velocity, which doesn't do anything but might as well work because you have that free attachment.

Basically, if I need to swap between dead sounds in a trophy very quickly, I have created two different vasms and setup the attack for D6. Basically, whatever your go-to weapon is, just make one setup with the dead sounds and one with the trophies. Some people like lunchtime. He's actually going to run, like, maybe the same field upgrade, but he's going to make two different setups in case he wants to swap between these semantex and the frag

mw2 ranked

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